White Is Evil, Color Is Good.

Manufactured racism is absolutely out of control. We see it in the news, government, and espoused by corporate giants. Somehow, all things white are now evil. Everything about this once great nation is evil. Its founding is evil. Yet, millions of “colored people” from all over the world love to come to this “racist” nation.

That right there tells you the “racism” narrative is hogwash. It is being used in order to divide the people and promote an agenda. Everything going on in our world is ushering in massive change. Change that has to do with conforming and changing our world, merging it closer together, and doing away with the former ideals.

You know, the Christian based ones.

Manufactured Racism

In recent weeks, manufactured racism took another leap forward when Georgia passed common sense voter ID laws. No, the law is not racist, but the response by media and corporate America certainly was. The law simply requires proper identification in order to vote.

That is not racist at all.

You need identification for everything in life, why not for something as important as voting?

The reason, it will prevent illegal immigrants from voting which will help prevent skewed elections. No one wants to talk about that, no they just rather yell racism!

Nevertheless, hundreds of companies have signed statements against voting restrictions. Notice the wording, “restrictions”. It’s not “restrictions”, but fair rules in order to have more fair election outcomes. What we call common sense, truly rotten people call “restrictions” in order to make it sound bad.


Last night, my sister sent me a screenshot from Amazon’s homepage she took a couple weeks back.

This slogan was “inspired” by the shooting that took place in Atlanta recently. A sex crazed nut shot up a spa killing six Asians and two Caucasians. The perp admitted the shooting had nothing to do with race. Nevertheless, the media and corporate America want to tie this to some manufactured white supremacy.

They are seizing another moment to divide us all and destroy our country and its founding principles; The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. It may not be your race they are against today, but it will be tomorrow or some belief you support. Especially, your Christian belief.

Manufacturing Hatred

Days ago, the whisk of hatred stirred the pot once again in Minnesota when Daunte Wright was shot and killed by police in a “traffic stop”. The media would like you to believe Wright was shot because he was “black”.

In reality, he had a warrant for “aggravated robbery at gunpoint.” When police tried to arrest Wright, he attempted to flee, then he was shot and killed. However, this became very bizarre when the Police Chief explained the officer mistakenly drew her pistol instead of her taser.

In my mind, that is a fabricated excuse. No officer would be able to mistake a taser for their firearm. They know which side of their body it’s on, they know how it feels, and tasers are yellow with no gun sights.

White Crime Is Hate, Color Crime Is Ignored

There is a clear double standard in this nation when it comes to race.

Here is a prime example.

An Asian man kidnapped and sexually assaulted a woman he thought was white. As it turned out, she was Asian.


An Asian-American man is accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting an Asian woman he believed was white, authorities said. The attack was an apparent retaliation for the rise in hate crimes against Asians, police said.


Yet, there is no backlash from the media, government, or corporate America as it does not fit in with the narrative placed before us.

Here are a few more prime examples.

  • Three black men attacked and beat a 67-year-old Asian man minding his own business.
  • A black man attacked an 82-year-old Asian man.
  • A black man attacked a 91-year-old Asian man.

Even more disturbing…

Two black teens videoed themselves raping an Asian woman who was dragged to a pond where she died. Reading that article will turn your stomach.

The Facts From The DOJ

Instead of listening to the media and corporate America tell us what is true. How about we dive into this Department of Justice’s annual report?

Doing that and referencing this article (you should read it) we find:

  • Blacks are 2 times as likely to be a perpetrator of crime than a victim.
  • Blacks are ~50% more likely to commit crimes against whites than whites are to commit crimes against Blacks.
  • Blacks are 280x more likely to commit violent crimes against Asians than Asians are to commit crimes against Blacks.

This clearly shows, the white man is not the devil he has been made out to be. People, yes people regardless of race can do wicked rotten evil things.

So where is the outrage from the media, government, and corporate America?

It does not exist.

You have probably never heard of these publicly available statistics before. Just as you probably never heard about these news articles before that a quick internet search will yield and much more.

Instead, all we get is more manufactured racism.

U.S. Ambassador Plays Race Game

This is what the new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations had to say,

The original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.


This race baiter quickly forgets who sold the slaves into slavery to begin with.

Black people.

Ironically enough, this comes from an older black woman.

Yes, in racist white supremacist America. A black, woman no less, is able to say such things, and do it from a position within the Federal Government.

If you want to know the truth of the matter. I am absolutely offended, the media, government, and corporate America continue to paint me, a white man as some racist white supremacist. It’s absolute bull you know what.

The Reality

We never hear about crimes if they are color on color crime. Only when it’s white on color. Then these crimes can be exploited to promote racist theory and blame the white man for the world’s problems.

The fact of the matter is very simple. The white man brought about the most successful nations on earth. Specifically, America. All races are welcome here legally to enjoy the blessings of this most successful nation.

If you feel offended by that statement, you have bought into mainstream media hatred yourself. That is a simple fact, one I will not apologize for. Yet, one I would like to remind you of so we all understand we are being divided amongst each other to drive an agenda.

This agenda concerns global change. Globalization, and in order to destroy America, she must be divided. Her founding documents and history must be called into question to force the people to willingly reject it in order to embrace something else.

That something else will be a new world order government. Each and every day it is beginning to form.

Don’t get sucked into the lie.

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