Creepy: DARPA Seeks To End Pandemics Forever With Implant

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has developed a green tissue-like gel that contains a microchip. You place it under your skin and it analyzes the chemical reactions in your body. Through this process, it can detect if you are becoming infected by a virus.

It sounds like science fiction, but its science fact.

Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician at DARPA was interviewed by 60 Minutes to demonstrate the technology. He stated the process is “like a check engine light“.

Those with the chip,

Would get the signal, then self-administer a blood draw and test themselves on site. We can have that information in three to five minutes. As you truncate that time, as you diagnose and treat, what you do is you stop the infection in its tracks.

Follow the 60 Minutes link for the full scoop.

To add to the creepiness…

Pentagon scientist Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad explained the military is developing a single vaccine that will protect against COVID.

If you have ever been in the military, you know you are a guinea pig.

Modjarrad added,

“We have the tools, we have the technology, to do this all right now”, Modjarrad said. This technology can protect us against “killer viruses that we haven’t seen or even imagined”.

In the end folks, this is mankind building a new Tower of Babel.

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