Who Is Done With Politics?

It’s a mess, isn’t it?

I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it in my entire life.

America and her entire political system are a complete disaster, and that’s putting it mildly.

We’re in debt up to our eyeballs, we’re swimming in illegals, we’ve gone woke, Congress is broke, and we’re left without hope. Wait, there is a glimmer of hope, and that’s no joke.

All right, stop it already!

It’s time to get serious and drop the Debbie Doomer bit.

There is hope for America.

There is hope for a restoration on the horizon.

In fact, we’ll soon be presented with “the most important election in American history,” again.

It’s going to be a battle of the ages, and I mean that quite literally.

“The most important election in American history” just might be a great feud between two great-grandpa’s who duke it out in a Presidential rematch. I can hardly wait for it myself!

It’s already living up to the hype.

In one corner, we have a supposed dementia patient who many counted dead two weeks into his Presidency, but the dude just keeps on ticking like Freddy Krueger. In the other corner, we have a chap who has a gazillion court cases being filed against him, for every reason under the sun.

Yes, this battle of the ages is guaranteed to end America’s ills!

That is, if you vote for the right candidate…

Say, how do you know which one is right?


You just vote for the candidate who most closely aligns with your values. No matter how distant, veered, or shaded their values are. As long as they’re close, or even semi-close, or even a little smidge of close, just get-er-done!

Hey look, there goes another UFO…

Now, in this “most important election in American history,” we’re going to watch as red and blue tear each other apart!

“Oh yeah” as the Kool-Aid man would say.

Heck, in recent days, we’ve already seen an escalation, as some red states try to take the dementia patient off the Presidential ballot, all in reprisal for a blue state doing the same to the great defendant.

Yes, America is going to be distracted by sideshows and circus freaks this coming year. You can expect to be divided even more from your family, friends, neighbors, and even your dog over the coming election.

No one’s going to agree politically, and you’re an idiot if you don’t see it my way.

Yes, those are the niceties that are coming your way in 2024!

Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Ahh, and don’t give me that line Jesus gave,

“And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”

Mark 3:24

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

Look friends, we have to do what we’re going to do, to stop the other side from winning.

That’s all that matters!

I mean, the state of our nation is at stake.

Our politics must win, and their politics must fail, say both sides of the aisle. If they don’t, we’re going to be faced with doom, and dread, and did I mention more doom?

So you just remember that buster, and stay sucked into your specific political realm, as it’s the only place where any semblance of sanity can be found. The other side doesn’t know anything.

Ohh, and don’t forget, make sure to use God for your political points, and make sure you latch onto the politicians who manage to utter the word, “God.” Even if it’s just once in a blue moon.

Do you know why?

It means they’re righteous, so we should vote for them, and even fund their campaigns!

That’s right, just saying “God” these days is proof enough that politicians are righteous.

So keep an eye out for that.

Oh, and remember this…

This coming year, continue to waive your Ukrainian, and Israeli flags, and don’t forget the COVID mask ta-boot, and don’t forget your endearing love for illegal immigrants!

Why you ask?

Ukraine must defeat the Russians, down to the last Ukrainian, and Israel has more Palestinians to slaughter, I mean Hamas tunnel terrorists to kill. Besides, America has a lot of land, and even more borrowed money that we can afford to give away to “political refugees.”

So stay true to the narrative, your nation depends on it.

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