2024 Is Going To Be A Dumpster Fire

I know, I know…

It’s not exactly the most positive headline for the first article of 2024, right?

But seriously, come on…

2024 is going to be a [fill in the blank] show, (Scrabble time!).

It’s going to be a circus show filled with nuts and freaks, and the clowns are leading the charge! Bafoonary will be on full display. Insanity won’t just show its ugly head, but it’ll become the main attraction. Not to mention, foolishness is going to have a heyday!

If you dare get entangled in this freak show, you’ll become detached from reality, detached from your family, yourself, and who knows what else.

How this was all summed up the other night…

While driving home, somehow my wife managed to spot this bumper sticker on someone’s car.

Yep, sounds about right!


The political theater is about to get started…

In the blue corner, the corpse still stands.

In the red corner, they’re duking it out to find a nominee.

The characters in all the corners will promise “the American people” the moon, and they’ll all come up short. I know you don’t believe that, I know you have hope.

However, just look at the past elections…

Our national debt gets higher and higher, more illegals flood in, inflation persists, and your rights diminish.

Election after election.

I mean, do these guys ever fulfill their campaign promises?


Ahh sure, maybe a couple here and a couple there, but never the big whoppers.

By the way, and honestly, how much better was your life in the past, compared to now?

Personally, my family is much better off now, but that’s due to God’s blessings, hard work, and our ability to continue learning. Not because some character in office did anything for me.

Ahh, but don’t let me talk you out of fighting and bickering with your inlaws about politics. Go on, tear into their jugular, because it’s bound to make your family more tight-knit.

All right, that’s enough facetiousness for this one.


The Coming Disaster

2024 is the perfect setup for a disaster.

We have loads of political events at play. Not to mention the chaos in the world, the wars, the calamity, and the unknowns that are simmering beneath the surface. All of these events are bound to blow the lid off 2024.

We’re already hearing more about China reunifying Tawain. Iran continues to be mentioned in the same breath as the Israeli conflict that’s raging in Gaza. Even North Korea is jumping in the mix, again. Oh and don’t forget about Ukraine.

Then we have inflation.

Inflation is everywhere and in everything, I don’t care what they say. When they tell you inflation is down, they’re talking about month over month or year over year. Not over a long period. Since 2019, it’s insane, and it’s compounding.

I mean, just look at housing, it still makes me sick.

However, one of the things that bothers me the most…

Our southern border.

Open Borders

The states need to take action, themselves. They should close the border, instead of busing illegals around the country. All they’re doing is spreading the problem around. Sure, it made political points with some and made the problem real to others, but enough is enough.

All this is doing is normalizing illegal immigration in our nation.

It’s not helping.

The solution is to shut down the border and boot these people out, period.

Turn off the aid programs and no more anchor babies.

They’ll deport themselves.


Here’s what kills me though…

Terror In The Homeland

In the same breath, the FBI tells us, there’s a very high likelihood that a terror attack could occur on American soil. In my opinion, that would be a manufactured one, and Iran will no doubt get the credit for such an event.

Let’s just pray that doesn’t happen…

What else will 2024 dish up?


Endless And Senseless Wars

I mean, the Ukrainian high-heel dancer is still in power.

Yep, despite heavy losses, he’s still dancing away and pilfering money from Western pockets. It’s a war the West had to win, but now a war the West seems very unlikely to win. In fact, concessions are being discussed more and more.

Let’s pray this one doesn’t escalate…


We have a new war front, the Israel and Hamas conflict.

This one is a doozy when we consider our Christian faith…


Most Christians believe the Jews are God’s chosen people. So they blindly support the Israelis, which is quite honestly a travesty. It’s allowed so many horrors to be committed against others, not to mention the distortion of our faith.

Interestingly enough, the White House just sent more emergency aid to Israel (and Ukraine). Without that aid, those nations would be unable to continue fighting. So in reality, our government is keeping the bloodshed flowing.

No matter what you believe…

Isn’t it about time we started minding our own affairs?

I mean, how did the wars in the Middle East help you and me?

Did you and I gain from anything in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on?

Probably not.

That is, unless you’re a defense contractor.

So watch out for anyone telling you we need to support this nation or that one.

Sorry, they’re dead wrong.

The fact of the matter is, we need to start supporting America!

For example, I cannot tell you how bad the homeless problem is on the West Coast.

It’s unbelievably horrendous!

Every time I comeback to California, it gets exponentially worse. I know, I know, it’s bad everywhere, but it’s on another level on the West Coast.

My point is simple…

We have a lot of problems in this nation and we need to start taking care of our own. We need to start investing in our nation, and not in the death and destruction of other nations.

Honestly, who can argue with that?

So that brings us back to politics…

The Sleeper Candidate

Brace yourself, I’m about to spill the beans and enlighten you. As it turns out, there’s one guy on the ballot this year that no one’s talking about.

The media is keeping it from you.

Everyone is keeping it from you.

It’s super secret…

  • He’s not a part of any political party.
  • He’s not a conservative or a lib.
  • He’s just a Guy.

His name?

Jesus Christ, and I’m going to vote for Him.

Let me pump His stock…

He’s the only dude on the ballot that promises to set things in their proper order. He’s the only one who is fair and just, and the only Man who will tear down the system and start over. No one else is going to do it, but He can and will…


So, in preparation for that, it’s in all of our best interests to start focusing more on His coming Kingdom. He may not get elected this cycle, but His Kingdom is coming. One day, we’re going to see it, and be a part of it.

That’s a campaign promise that will come true.

So here’s a challenge for you in 2024, the year of the dumpster fire…

Become Positive Change

Why don’t we all escape the political turmoil — and heartache — 2024 will dish up this year… Let’s avoid petty arguments over politics, petty arguments over which nations deserve our support, and other such bickering. Especially on social media.

Instead, let’s invest more of our time in Jesus Christ this year.

Let’s see how much our lives improve by making this simple change.

I’m telling you right now, it’ll be time well spent.

Think about it, when we become consumed by politics it leads to frustration, anger, and resentment. It leads to division within our families, friends, and society overall. Granted, we’ll have to spend some time here to stay in tune with things, but we don’t need to be consumed by it.

However, every second we spend reading the Bible or practicing our Christian faith, is a moment that builds and uplifts.

It’s a moment that unifies and potentially changes someone’s life for the better. That is, by sharing God with them, being a positive example, or helping with some positive cause. It’s a moment that builds up our families, instead of tearing them down.

So here’s the deal…

This year, I’m focusing more on the Bible and my family. I already have numerous Bible studies prepared for little ‘ol you. Yep, I’ll also be doing some more verse by verse studies. I’d love for you to join me in those. I’d also love for you to open your Bible and just read it for yourself.

That’s right, without me or anyone else’s interpretation.

In the year of the dumpster fire, make it an uplifting year for yourself and your family. I mean that mentally, physically, and spiritually. Just because the world goes to heck in a handbasket, doesn’t mean it needs to take you with it.

So go ahead and mark the date…

Starting today, start making some small changes for the better.

Slowly improve on them, little by little, day by day, by changing your habits, and doing things that improve your life, and the life of those around you.

Who’s in?

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