WHO’s Statement About Antibodies Blows Hole In Vaccine Agenda

We have all heard the saying, ‘open mouth, insert foot’. That means you said more than you should and made a big fat mistake. That was the World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday.

Yesterday, news outlets flipped out as the World Health Organization deleted a Tweet about antibodies concerning COVID-19. No worries, the WHO left the note up on their own page.

Let’s read it.

There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.

Well there went the vaccine agenda.

Typically, when we become ill, our bodies fight off the illness and we become stronger as we become immune to the illness. The wizards at the World Health Organization are telling you, that is not the case.

My opinion, this was stated to put more pressure to continue the lockdowns. Unfortunately for them, it also tells us that vaccines will be worthless. If our body cannot heal itself, a vaccine will fare no better as it is based on our immune system.

Since they deleted their Tweet, they created another Tweet that said,

We expect that most people who are infected with #COVID19 will develop an antibody response that will provide some level of protection.

“We expect” = “We have no clue”.

Huge change in tune there, but they want you to get ol Bill Gates jab.

Look folks. I can think, and I can make guesses. That is okay, I am just a guy.

The WHO, on the other hand, is composed of doctors and medical professionals who provide professional advice to the world.

Why are they guessing?

In one moment they say, ‘yeah no one is immune’. In the next breath, ‘ahh sure you will probably become immune’.

Now remember, this is the solid medical advice YouTube is adhering too and the rest of the world’s governments. They are all taking direction from these quacks.

Yet, even though they have no idea, they are pressing on with a vaccine. That should concern you greatly and make you ask even more questions.

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