Germany’s COVID-19 Infection Rate Rises After Lockdown Lifted

Germany is lifting the lockdowns when hundreds of people are still dying every day. Germany locked down before anyone died, yet, now they want to ease restrictions when hundreds are dying?

So there is no confusion, they should have never locked down. I am simply discussing the scenario they are concerned with.

It makes no sense to lock down your country when few to none have died. Then re-open when the threat is still there. Now we are seeing infections supposedly rise.


We were just talking about this a week or two back.

No surprise, but it will go far in the people’s mind. They will see the government tried to bring things back to normal, but it actually made it worse, and our only saving grace will be…


Yes! You guessed it.

In fact, Germany is already performing human trials of vaccines. They are so confident in their work Germany could supply millions of vaccines by the end of the year.

We all know who is behind the big vaccine push, a computer guy, not a doctor, but a computer guy named Bill Gates.

The once-great state of California is also parroting the same line about vaccines. Governor Newsom had this to say,

We are not going back to the way things were until we get to immunity or a vaccine,” Newsom said. “We will base reopening plans on facts and data, not on ideology. Not what we want. Not what we hope.”

Doctor Fauci

The world’s governments are performing the same exact actions, at the same exact time. That means they are coordinating efforts, our sovereign nations…

For weeks now, we have heard Trump’s doc Fauci tell us, Coronavirus will be seasonal. That set the stage for the vaccines we are hearing more and more about.

Yet, before we saw the Coronavirus become the world news. Back in February Doctor Fauci and his peers had this to say in a published medical journal.

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.

These doctors including fear monger in chief Fauci is saying the mortality rate of Coronavirus may be considerably less than 1% which we initially reported on.

It gets better, the next sentence reads,

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)

That is exactly what we learned about a week ago. According to a USC and LA County study, COVID-19 has a mortality rate of 0.1%. So why is Fauci pushing the vaccine agenda so hard?

He knew all along COVID-19 was not a threat to our nation, much less the world.

I will tell you why, Fauci is tied to the Bill Gates Foundation who is pushing hard for a vaccine. That means ol Fauci has something to gain. We reported this back on April 9th. All the pieces are falling into place, are you watching?

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