YouTube Is Manipulating Biden’s Dislike Count!

Yesterday, I decided to take a look at the YouTube Channel of the White House. As I looked through the videos, I was astonished by the number of dislikes compared to the number of likes for every single one of Joe Biden’s videos. We are talking about 5-10 times more dislikes than likes on every single video!

How could this be?

As history would tell it, Joe Biden is the 81 million vote man. Somehow, someway, Biden amassed 81 million votes while campaigning from his basement. We all know the joke.

However, what I am sharing with you today is not a joke. The story gets worse.

Not only are the number of dislikes on the Biden videos massive compared to the likes, but it also turns out the dislikes are being suppressed!

I decided to take screenshots of a few videos throughout the day. While the overall trend of dislikes does increase, you will notice they go up and down throughout the day. That means, YouTube is actually erasing the true number of dislikes for the Biden videos in order to conceal his true YouTube approval rating.

If Biden really amassed 81 million faithful voters, where the hell are they?

Let’s take a look at the facts:

YouTube’s Dislike Manipulation

I placed an orange box around the dislike count, and reference the time stamp with an orange arrow in the top right corner.

The dislike count starts at 783…

An hour later, it goes up to 800 dislikes.

Magically, the dislike count drops from 800 to 777 over the course of three hours.

Roughly three hours later, we see the dislike count climb from 777 to 922 only for it to…

…drop back down to 872 within a few more hours.

This morning I took another snap shot.

We see the dislike count go from 872, down to 771. Lower than it was 24 hours ago!

You can see this for yourself. Go to the White House YouTube Channel, click on a few videos and leave them in your browser. Take a screenshot and refresh the pages throughout the day to see the difference.

Mainstream Manipulation

Folks, this is what we have been trying to say for a very long time now, (see: Goodbye YouTube!). The mainstream media and social media are only presenting what they want you to see. Whatever is not banned is akin to a lie. Whatever is promoted is a part of the agenda.

If Biden received 81 million votes from the American people,

  • Why do Biden’s videos have so many dislikes?
  • Why is YouTube blatantly hiding Biden’s unpopularity?

It becomes obvious, the election was rigged like so many before it.

There is a website that is actually exposing YouTube’s disturbing attempt to hide the truth from you. It’s called They list every single video that is published on the White House’s YouTube Channel. They show YouTube’s “official” like and dislike count, and they show what the real like and dislike counts are.

They do this through something called an API. It’s software that connects to YouTube and pulls the data every ten minutes where it is then logged on for us to see. Further, that website also tracks other popular YouTube channels through the same API. You will notice, there is no manipulation on those videos.

Only Joe Biden’s.

America has been lied to, and big tech is covering up the lie.

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