3.5% Of The Population Can Change The World

Our world continues to change rapidly.

No matter where you look, we can identify massive changes in society and our culture. What was once taboo is mainstream, and what was once accepted and moral has been brushed aside.

How did we get here?

To a large extent, we rejected God, and of course, generational change. As one generation becomes more lax and morally obscure, it makes the next generation that much more degenerate.

Most of us get that.

However, there have also been a lot of carefully planned moves to bring about said change…

I recently found a piece by Harvard University about “The 3.5% rule.” This led me to a BBC article titled, “The ‘3.5% rule’: How a small minority can change the world.”

So what is it?

Essentially, “The 3.5% Rule” states,

Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.

The 3.5% Rule was coined by researcher Erica Chenoweth.
quote via the BBC

That’s right, it’s all about creating radical change within society by using nonviolent means. In order to accomplish this feat, you only need 3.5% of the population for it to become successful.

While the study and article focus on overthrowing radical governments, it’s clearly being used to change our world. In fact, look what we find at the end of the article.

Chenoweth’s interest has recently focused on protests closer to home – like the Black Lives Matter movement and the Women’s March in 2017. She is also interested in Extinction Rebellion, recently popularised by the involvement of the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg.

So it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize, these now-revealed (2019) tactics are being used against society to make someone’s idealistic view of the world become a reality. Don’t get me wrong, this has been going on for decades, but information like this only furthers the cause.

The 3.5% Rule

Chenoweth collected data from 323 violent and nonviolent campaigns and compiled the results into a book titled, “Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict.” The fist on the cover of the book screams communist rebellion.

So all it takes to brainwash 3.5% of the population is some sympathetic cause and the masses jump on board. This was done with Black Lives Matter, transgenderism, COVID-19, lockdowns, and convincing the world it was “safe and effective” to inject an experimental vaccine into their family.

During the last two years, our world has changed in profound ways. Social media was used to disseminate the paranoia of COVID and divide people along racial lines due to the fiasco in Minnesota that led to a criminal being treated as a civil rights icon.

I still recall violence being used in Minnesota and it continually being justified.

Look what I found in this BBC article,

Chenoweth argues that nonviolent campaigns are generally easier to discuss openly, which means that news of their occurrence can reach a wider audience.

Even though the riots in Minnesota back in 2020 were violent, they were not discussed as such. The mainstream media continually said they were “peaceful protests” and not riots. This repainting of reality enabled those riots to reach a wider audience and spread throughout the country.

After the Minnesota riots abated, Black Lives Matter became a household name. Plastered on televisions and NBA courts across the nation. Suddenly, black people were overrepresented on television, in magazines, and on websites, normalcy was flipped on its head.

Let’s have some more from that article.

By engaging broad support across the population, nonviolent campaigns are also more likely to win support among the police and the military – the very groups that the government should be leaning on to bring about order.

It’s not just the police and military, it’s core groups and organizations that have rapidly changed since 2020. The riots in Minnesota and COVID-19 led to this dramatic change, and in essence, it transformed America and destroyed our culture without ever firing a shot.

Look at this next part.

During a peaceful street protest of millions of people, the members of the security forces may also be more likely to fear that their family members or friends are in the crowd – meaning that they fail to crack down on the movement. “Or when they’re looking at the [sheer] numbers of people involved, they may just come to the conclusion the ship has sailed, and they don’t want to go down with the ship.”

That last part speaks volumes about what we have witnessed these last few years. The same thing can be applied to those who support BLM, transgenderism, the COVID narrative, and the vaccination campaign.

No one wanted to be left out of the consensus, so once it was built, most people abandoned their positions that were contrary to it.

This is critical to comprehend.

You never let go of your morality and you never let go of your gut instinct, especially when catastrophe strikes. That’s when everyone stops thinking and starts blowing with the crowd.

One more quote from that article.

Regarding the “3.5% rule”, she points out that while 3.5% is a small minority, such a level of active participation probably means many more people tacitly agree with the cause.

That’s absolutely true.

People became sympathetic to these micro rebellions.

  • Suddenly, everyone supported the corrupt BLM organization.
  • Society believed men should be able to join women’s swim teams.
  • We even forgot what a woman was, even a Supreme Court Justice.

It’s utter insanity.

However, it became widely accepted, just by a few pitching the idea. The liberals joined the bandwagon, the moderates “tacitly agreed,” and the conservatives dug in their boots. Meanwhile, the younger generation has now grown accustomed to these things.

It’s all they’ve ever known.

That sets a very, very dangerous precedence.

This is why we can never allow perversion to take on public form. We can never allow someone else to make our health decisions for us. For the record, murdering a baby is not your health decision. I’m talking about the “safe and effective” vaccination campaign that is finally being revealed for the farce it always was.

This is why you never run with crowds.

This is why we must always stand for God, and not expect someone else to do it for us. When we do that, it’s akin to us standing against a wall, and doing nothing.

Meanwhile, the 3.5% continue to increase their numbers, without opposition.

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