Archive: Commentary


Don’t Be An Unteachable Christian

As people, and especially as Christians, we’re to always remain teachable. What does that mean? It means, we should never think we have it all figured out. If we do, we most certainly fell into


My Kitty Passed Away

Every once in a while, a special critter comes along and steals your heart. Panther was that critter. I want to share her story, and our experience with you.


Who Are The Good Guys And Bad Guys In War?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? In the conflict of war: If you’re nation is involved in war, then naturally, you’re going to say, “We’re the good guys!” You may even follow it up


What Does The Talmud Say About Jesus?

The Jewish Talmud says many unsavory things about our Lord Jesus Christ. Some of them are in plain sight, and some of them are concealed.


The History Of Israel’s Founding

Have you ever wondered why Jews and Arabs have been fighting for so long? I mean, what’s it all about, and why can’t they get along… In order to understand the present, we must understand


Can We Really Trust The Science?

You remember that mantra? “Trust the science.” It was hailed during the pandemic as something we should place our hope and trust in. If any thought or idea questioned the proposed science, well then, it


Is The Return Of Jesus Imminent?

It’s an intriguing thought… Could the return of Jesus really be imminent? It would seem, we have all the recipes for such a prophetic event to occur.

United States

You Won’t Believe How Much Food America Wastes!

As Christians, we’re supposed to be good stewards of the earth. We’re supposed to take care of the land and the animals that live here, (Genesis 1:26). Unfortunately, I cannot say we’re doing a good


This Is Why God Destroyed His Vineyard

Do you ever wake up, crank up the news and think, what the heck happened? I mean what happened to sensibility, common sense, and decency?


Would Jesus Approve Of Today’s Church?

It’s an interesting thought… In my opinion, the church of today has become a gigantic mess. We have thousands of different Christian denominations that place us on separate Christian teams. Are Christians really supposed to


Who’s Pulling The Strings?

The institutions of men are absolutely corrupt. The modern era has not only made this more evident, but emboldened the behavior of the wicked. When we look at government, academia, the media, health care, finance,