World Leaders Call For Pandemic Treaty And WW2-Style Unification

World leaders from 24 nations, and the president of the European Council, and W.H.O. Director-General have called for the world to unite under the guise of the COVID-19 pandemic. The leaders said the next global health emergency is not a question of “if, but when.”

The leaders hailed from countries in Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia. Together, they called for a World War 2 style treaty to “dispel the temptations of isolationism and nationalism” in order to form a united response to future pandemics.

World Faces Biggest Challenge Since 1940s

It is not surprising these world leaders called the COVID-19 pandemic,

The “biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s.”


Folks, if the first two statements did not stand out to you, this one certainly should.

Just over one year ago we wrote, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World. In that article, we discussed how the 1940s brought about major changes for the world. Changes that brought about globalist institutions that are supported by the world’s governments.

This occurred as the world’s nations came together and formed treaties in order to advert a “future” crisis. In the case of the 1940s, it was war. Today, it is an “invisible enemy”.

The 1940s Brought Nations Together

These world leaders continue discussing the peaceful transformation of the 1940s.

“At that time, following the devastation of two world wars, political leaders came together to forge the multilateral system,” they wrote. “The aims were clear – to bring countries together, to dispel the temptations of isolationism and nationalism and to address the challenges that could only be achieved together in the spirit of solidarity and co-operation, namely peace, prosperity, health and security.”

You can clearly see, these leaders are more than ready to unite their nations under the banner of a new world order.

The leaders go on to explain how rich nations have been able to acquire vaccines, while poor nations struggle to acquire them. This is due to “inequality” we are told.

Silly me, I always thought it was due to hard work and innovation.

However, we should be careful to note that even if vaccines were completely effective and safe. The COVID-19 virus has a mortality rate of just .02%. This is key to understand, as it proves the pandemic has been exaggerated and fabricated in order to merge the world together, ala 1940s style.

World On Brink Of Catastrophe

Nevertheless, the W.H.O. Director said the world was on the “brink of a catastrophic moral failure” that will be “paid for with lives and livelihoods in the world’s poorest countries” because of global vaccine inequality.

Do you see where this is going?

The world must work closer together so there is no more inequality.

This theme escalated dramatically over the last year. We are told there is much inequality in the United States concerning race and homosexuality. Yet, that is only an excuse to destroy our system and way of thinking. All in order to embrace “the new normal”, which covers every facet of life.

Unite As One

The leaders said the pandemic,

Has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.


The globalists are telling us, the world will never be safe from a future pandemic, unless we work together as one. If we fail to do that, the poor nations will become sick, and spread a future virus to the rich nations.

The global economy will then fail, affecting everyone, and we will perish due to the virus.

You get the idea, it was the mantra of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This ties right into a recent Reuters article which states,

Pope Francis has told world financial chiefs that poor countries hit by the economic impact of the coronavirus need to have their debt burden reduced and be given a greater say in global decision making.

In fact, the G20 is expected to freeze debt payments for poor nations through the end of 2021.

This is all about merging the world together. Telling us the problems and mending those problems.

A Virus Is The New Reason To Unite

If you are paying attention, we are being given the classic problem, reaction, solution methodology. These global leaders just presented the world with a way out of our “perceived” problems. Of course, this all ties into The Great Reset.

Further, these leaders use the 1940s precedent and globalist stepping stone as a guide for our future.

Let’s analyze what we have discussed a bit further.

The Problem:

A future virus and disparagement of societies.

The Reaction:

Create the notion inequality is our downfall and a vaccine can save us.

The Solution:

Work together so “everyone” can have the vaccine to prevent global illness so we all can thrive.

While I am not a vaccine advocate, many people are missing the mark here. The virus and vaccine are simply tools being used to unite the world together. The virus is the enemy of mankind, working together via a vaccine is seen as the solution.

However, in order for this to be effective. We must all work together.

This is all about globalization and bringing about a new world order. Far too often we rush this critical Biblical prophecy in our anticipation of this event. It is unfolding before our eyes, but it will not be an instant process. Do not allow yourself to be sidetracked with bogus theories. Do not allow these things to wear you down mentally and spiritually.

Stay sharp, stay focused.

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