We Can See The Mark Of The Beast In CBDC

As Christians living 2,000 years after Jesus Christ, we look for signs of His impending return. He provided plenty of details, along with the rest of Scripture.

One of the biggest signs of His return concerns the Mark of the Beast…

For decades, Christians have assumed various things or people represent this devious Mark.

They’ve all been wrong.

However, in a physical sense, nothing comes closer to matching the Biblical description than the modern push for mankind to embrace digital identification, along with central bank digital currency (CBDC).

The Information Age

We now find ourselves in the middle of an information age…

Mankind has never been closer together. Not since the Tower of Babel thousands of years ago. We can now communicate across the globe, and translate languages instantly, even through images with phone apps.

This great era has brought man so close together, we see the world’s governments integrating and unifying their policies with one another.

In the 1940s, our world began to merge together via various global entities, like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and so on.

That brings us to the heart of the matter…

Global Collaboration

During the Covid pandemic, we witnessed governments collaborate like never before. I hope I don’t need to remind you about the coordinated lockdowns, the Covid passports, and such that all resembled the Biblical description of the Mark of the Beast.

Those measures meant, if you did not accept the government’s position on Covid, you were locked out of the system. This became a reality for a lot of people, depending on which nation they called home.

Thankfully, much of that paranoia has passed, and people, even governments realize it was a wrong approach to that crisis.

Yet, that didn’t stop the concept…

A Digital World

Since that dramatic unprecedented event, global entities and governments continue to push for digital identification and CBDCs.

Their rationale?

In the case of digital ID, this is how one U.S. Senator put it in their bill,

“…to improve access and enhance security between physical and digital identity credentials, particularly by promoting the development of digital versions of existing physical identity credentials, including driver’s licenses, e-Passports, social security credentials, and birth certificates.”

It’s always about your security.

That’s how governments get you to buy in, by dangling some carrot in front of you.

Any central bank digital currency will eventually be tied to your digital identification. As I’ve covered in the past, the U.S. Federal Reserve is working on a digital currency. If it becomes a reality, digital ID and currency will be tied to every transaction and move you make in life.

I covered this in great detail:

In fact, the Bank of International Settlements even admitted, digital currency is about “absolute control.” That’s control over you and your family, and the decisions you make.

IMF Digital Currency Blueprint

It was recently announced, the International Monetary Fund released a CBDC blueprint. They unveiled the fact they are working on a new CBDC platform. This platform will enable transactions between countries.

“CBDCs should not be fragmented national propositions… To have more efficient and fairer transactions we need systems that connect countries: we need interoperability,”

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva

Our banking system is already connected globally, but this would tie all nations together in a future digital currency.

In case you’re wondering, this is the same Georgieva that said they acted as children during the pandemic, when they told countries to spend and then spend some more. That hasty and irresponsible decision is what caused the massive inflation we’ve witnessed in the last few years.

But we’re supposed to listen to them now?

I don’t think so.

My point, we cannot trust these people with our well-being.

Look what else is being said about this new IMF platform…

New platforms for cross-border central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could be more efficient and safe, while still ensuring countries can impose compliance checks and capital controls.


What does that mean?

It means limiting what you can and cannot purchase with said digital currency.

Did the Mark of the Beast just pop into your mind?

I hope so.

This is all tied to UN Agenda 2030 which seeks to unify the planet. Not just along some agenda, but a radical change for all people on the face of the earth, it’s an effort to merge our various cultures into one of unification.

We’ve seen this effort continually unfold since the pandemic.

I’m talking about the embracement of homosexuality, the destruction of our national landmarks, all in the name of “diversity,” and don’t forget the equality and inclusion part.

It’s all tied together.

Digital Currency And Agenda 2030

In fact, Agenda 2030 states,

By 2030, governments promised to “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

So the big push for digital ID and currency is tied to Agenda 2030, and it’s rolling out fast.

On the surface, some might think it’s a good idea.

Digital records, no losing your driver’s license, no losing cash, etc. In a perfect world, it’s probably a good idea, but we don’t live in a perfect world my friends. We live in a very imperfect world run by many evil men.

  • This is how insidious digital currency really is…
  • This is how digital currency will strip you of power…

This is what Eswar S. Prasad of the World Economic Forum recently said,

Here are some of the highlights…

“You can have programmability with expiry dates.

Where the govermennt decide units of central bank money can be used to purchase some things, but not other things that it deems less desirable. Like say ammunition, drugs or pornogrophy.”

Full Video

“Programmability with expiry dates,” which means governments who issue digital currency can set a timer on your digital currency. If you don’t spend your money within a specific amount of time, it expires, disappears, and vanishes.

That’s what we’re talking about.

This means the government can dictate who can buy or sell.

That’s the very definition of the Mark of the Beast.

Don’t think it cannot happen, this already occurred in Canada, with the truckers who protested their nation’s Covid lockdown measures. The government froze the bank accounts of protesters and many lost their businesses, all over a peaceful protest.

For the record, Canada doesn’t even have a digital currency, and they still managed to make this a reality. We can only imagine an all-digital world.

Now consider this in the era of digital currency…

  • We already see the walls closing in on Christianity.
  • Our faith is continually being called a hate group for our rejection of sinful practices.
  • We are at odds with the world and the world seeks even more control over our own decisions.

A government that can set expiry dates on digital currency and force it on you, can also block you from making certain purchases. They can lock you out of society and the financial system.

Government can prevent you from buying or selling.

The Mark Of The Beast

That brings us to the Book of Revelation, and the actions of the Dragon who is Satan, (Revelation 12:9, 20:2, 13:11).

Revelation 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

I’m not telling you digital identification and currency are the Mark of the Beast. I’m telling you it’s directly tied to it. It’s most likely, these digital control mechanisms will be in place before the Antichrist arrives on earth, and he will simply mold them to fit his agenda.

The mark is not a literal mark in the right hand or forehead.

The right hand is symbolic of your works, while the mark in your forehead is symbolic of your beliefs, it’s your acceptance of the one forcing this mark upon you. It’s your acceptance of the Antichrist who will claim to be God as 2 Thessalonians 2 explains.

Never forget, God also has a mark, it’s placed “in the forehead” as well, (Revelation 7:3). That’s the Seal of God, your acceptance of Him, and His protection from the wicked deception of the enemy.

Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here it is…

No person can buy or sell, unless he possesses this mark.

Today, we already buy or sell with identification and money.

In the future, that will be digital, and controlled with computers and their algorithms that can, and will instantly lock you out, if you refuse the government of the Antichrist.

That’s what we’re talking about, and we’re staring it right in the face.

This is not going to happen overnight, this will continue to unfold for the duration of this radically changing decade.

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