China’s Open For Travel After Ditching Zero-COVID

It’s finally coming to an end!

China’s zero-COVID policy that shut down entire cities over a single case of the virus.

“Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, who oversees COVID efforts, signaled the change Wednesday — as numerous regions also started lifting lockdowns, which had forced people into state-run facilities and left whole cities effectively shut down over just one detected case.”

NY Post

I can only imagine what the Chinese people experienced the last few years. I became irritated anytime I saw someone in a mask! I can only imagine being swabbed daily for years, no thanks, not happening!

So here’s the question…

Why did the CCP suddenly end their much hailed “zero-COVID” policy?

It’s thought to be due to the massive protests China has seen in recent weeks. The protests are thought to be the largest in decades. All thanks to renewed zero-COVID lockdowns. The Chinese people said, “no more lockdowns for me,” and who can blame them?

Of course, the CCP says, not quite…

“China said it started making major changes to Covid Zero even before nationwide protests widely credited with prompting the shift, as Beijing sought to counter the narrative that President Xi Jinping was forced to abandon a signature policy.”

The Business Times

What else are they going to say?

It’s safe to say, the protests and the economic conditions forced the shift. Every time a new case of COVID popped up, economic activity for an entire city came to a halt. It’s disastrous. China simply couldn’t afford to continue on with the failed policy.

Not to mention, for nearly three years, China’s borders have been closed.

Yet, that all changed just the other day.

Tens of thousands of travelers began to fly in and out of mainland China on Sunday as Beijing removed almost all of its border restrictions, bringing an end to pandemic measures that effectively sealed off the world’s most populous nation from the rest of the world for three years.”


Amazing, some people thought that might never happen.

Hey, thank God the Chinese people get a little bit of their freedom back.

Do you know what’s the best part for me though?

The Rockefeller Document

I recall the Rockefeller document.

You know, the one penned back in 2011, that we covered in 2020.

I still remember the clip I titled, Authoritarianism Will Contain Virus Outbreak.

It discussed a hypothetical virus outbreak,

“However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post- pandemic recovery.”

Anyone else chuckling with me?

In fact, we saw the exact opposite!

China’s economy is still not on track. That’s before we even look at the global economy, which is tittering on the brink of recession. All thanks to COVID-era stimulus that’s caused massive global inflation.

So at the end of the day, we see that governments did not help the people with their COVID-era policies. Instead, governments hampered the local and global economy through lockdowns and forced mandates. Not just in China, but around the world.

Moreover, if you read through the Rockefeller document, their scenario is way off. They did a great job at predicting what governments would do, but the results of said actions were off the mark.

Unfortunately, the damage has already been done, and we’ve had to pickup the pieces and move on with our lives. Just as the Chinese people are beginning to do.

The whole COVID saga is a classic example of why the rights of the people must always be preserved, no matter what’s going on in the world. The lockdowns didn’t save us, the vaccines didn’t save us, the government didn’t save us.

Instead, the government overreacted and caused disaster after disaster. From health crises to economic ones. While we may not have all of the answers as to why things went down the way they did. As time passes, more things will come to light, they always do.

In fact, the World Health Organization recently called out China for lying about COVID-19. In a perfect world, it would be nice to see everyone step up to the plate and admit their faults. We’ve also seen some of that with the CDC, which in my opinion, should never be trusted again.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is looking to spread fear to gain ratings as usually. This time, they’re shouting about the latest version of COVID called, HBB.1.5. Some people love to live in fear, they love having a boogieman to look out for.

Not me, the sun’s rising once again, and we’re going to enjoy it today!

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118:24
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