Putin’s Christmas Truce

Last night I fired up my Mac for a dose of news before I went to read the Bible. A crazy combination, but then again, what’s the title of this website?

So there it was, “Putin announces Christmas truce.”

I thought, “No way, seriously?”

Sure enough, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a Christmas truce that is in full effect right now, for 36 hours. Putin did this for Orthodox Christians who celebrate Christmas on January 6th.

Apparently, this idea was presented by Patriarch Kirill, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Kremlin issued the following statement.

“Judging by the fact that a lot of citizens who practice the Orthodox religion live in the embattled area, we call upon the Ukrainian side to proclaim a cessation of hostilities and give them the opportunity to attend services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day.”

This came on the heels of Putin’s call with Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Which concerned, ‘opening serious dialogue with Kiev’ about a permanent peace treaty.

As of last night, there was not a word about any of this in the Western media. Only that Putin is dying of cancer, shaking, or his men are turning on him. The same song and dance we’ve been hearing for just about a year now.

Now I know, I know.

Leaders will do and say things in war that they do not mean, just to gain a better strategic advantage. Is that happening here? None of us can say for certain, it seems pretty legit though.

Nevertheless, what did the high-heel dancer of Ukraine have to say about the 36-hour truce?

“Now they want to use Christmas as cover, to stop the advance of our boys in Donbass for a bit and bring up their equipment, ammunition and mobilized [troops] to the front,” Zelensky said.

“Everyone in the world knows how the Kremlin uses ceasefires to continue the war with renewed vigor.”


In case there was any doubt, Zelensky rejected the truce and vows to keep fighting with his free Western supplied military gear.

For the record, as of right now, Russia has halted military operations, though Ukraine continues to fire upon Russian positions. Hopefully, Christians and other people in the region can have a little peace, even if it’s for just a few hours.

Meanwhile, the United States is sending more military equipment to Ukraine. This time, 50 Bradley armored personal carriers in a package worth about $3 billion. Interestingly enough, a Russian diplomat recently said,

“All this means that Washington is committed to fighting with usto the last Ukrainian’, while the destiny of people of Ukraine means nothing to the US.”


Who can argue with that?

Since we’re on the kick of Russia and Ukraine…

Do you realize the United States doubled its weapon sales to NATO members, to $28 billion?

Speaking of military spending, this is how the U.S. ranks compared to the world.

Our World Data

We’re smoking everyone on the planet!

NATO is way up there thanks to more spending from the United States which comes from your wallet. Your tax dollars. Yet, we are continually told, Mother Russia is a threat to our nation.

Give me a break.

Our politicians are a direct threat to our nation. The same politicians who taxed corporations out of our nation, and into countries like China. The same politicians who allow millions of illegal aliens into our nation. Yeah, those politicians, they are our problem.

But they want to tell you about Russia?


Ahh, but I digress.

Here’s some other good deeds Zelensky has done for Ukraine.

“President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has signed off on legislation that would significantly expand the government’s regulatory power over the news media, a measure that journalists have warned could erode press freedom.”


Whoops, better bury that one in the archives!

Since we brought up “media,” don’t forget, before the war in Ukraine. Western media continually reported how corrupt Ukraine was! Yet, now we’re giving them billions upon billions of dollars every single month.

I can see it in your eyes, you want some more dirt, dontcha?

It’s the ol political scratch my back I scratch yours. Do you know why Bibi was asking for political favors from Ukraine? Bibi needs some political help…

As it turns out, in 2022, the United Nations condemned Israel more than all other countries combined!


By the way, I just checked the news, and still not a peep about Putin’s Christmas truce. If there is, I’m sure it will be spun in negative Western fashion. It’s pretty hard to listen to much coming from the West when it’s always a clear political attack.

This should be the time when our leaders decide to put a halt on the spending in Ukraine. However, they know if they do that, Ukraine will collapse in a matter of weeks. Without our support, Ukraine would not be able to stand on its own two feet.

Presently, Russia is fighting the collective West, day in, and day out.

My prayers go out for peace.

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