Gay Campground Faces Backlash for Banning Transgender Men

How about some irony this morning with your cup of Joe? A gay campground is facing a backlash for banning… Transgender men. You see, this campground is only for men, and it excludes women who say they are transgender men.


You are not alone.

Owners of Camp Boomerang RV Park and Campground, a new, private gay campground in Orleans, Michigan, made it clear that the campground is for men only, effectively banning transgender men — biological females who consider themselves males.


Oh, so now we want to talk about biology and nature.

“Camp Boomerang is a private, membership-only rv park/campground that allows only ‘guys,’” Camp Boomerang cofounder Bryan Quinn wrote, defining “guy” as “a person with a penis” who “presents himself as male and has a state-issued ID that says ‘male.’”

Isn’t it funny how quickly people revert to common sense when it supports their thoughts and principals?

A “guy” is someone with a penis.

Gee, you don’t say!

Now the “backlashers” are saying the campground is spouting “hate” for not allowing transgender men who are actually women.

Who would have thought?

Keep smiling.

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