Australian Rage, American Tyranny, And Information

As each day passes by, our world becomes a little crazier than the prior day. In just the last three days, the headlines, and information published through mainstream and social media channels is astounding.

We are going to dive into all of that.

However, I want you to consider something before we do…

The Information Age

They tell us, we live in the Information Age.

When we look at our world, the amount of information produced each and every day is overwhelming. The amount of news about a certain event is regurgitated from hundreds to thousands of outlets around the world.

How do we benefit from this?

You know, in the earliest parts of history, “information” was knowledge and power.

In fact, the word “information” means,

Facts provided or learned about something or someone

Information is supposed to be about revealing the facts.

Yet, in this Information Age we live in, information that we come across may not contain any facts at all. I would contend, we live in an era of information control and propaganda. Today, any information that does not conform to the government’s whims is “misinformation”.

Information sources today bent the truth and turn it into a lie. Information sources spread information to suit certain causes, and only reveal the details that support one side of an argument. That is not providing the “facts about something”, is it?

The mainstream and social media channels of the world control everything you see and hear.

They quickly ban or never air the deep truths of our world. For the rebels who ensure the truth is brought forward, through websites and other avenues, search engine giants block these sources from ever seeing the light of day.

Nevertheless, for a small fraction of the global population. The truth does surface thanks to the work of individuals, bloggers, and real investigative journalists…

However, I have to pose these questions to you…

  • What are we doing with that information?
  • Do we just tune in to find something that no one else is talking about?
  • When we find the facts about something, do we just shout within ourselves, “yeah you tell um and move on”?
  • What are we actually doing with the information we possess and the information we obtain each and every day?

If all we are doing is jumping from one news article or feed to the next.

How exactly are we benefiting from this information, how is it changing our lives, how is it benefitting our world?

As you read the events we are going to cover today, I want you to ask yourself all of these questions.

Chaos In Australia

What is happening in Australia is a travesty. Australia is not some communist state, they are supposed to be a free nation, but what is happening there is anything but free.

The government continues to impose lockdowns and has now shut down all construction in the city of Melbourne for two weeks. The reason, COVID mandates are not being adhered to which is risking public safety. Police have even fired rubber bullets at protestors.

Look at the videos below and listen to this guy and look what happened to this guy.

Now you look at those videos right there.

You have thousands upon thousands of people protesting close together. If COVID was as deadly as advertised, they would all be on deaths doorstep. This would be a super spreader event, just like the tens of thousands who have protested in the UK, France, and other Euro nations.

That is common sense.

Yet, we have moved beyond that. There can be no doubt, these authoritarian measures are about something much worse than any virus. They are about instituting a dictatorship around the globe. One founded on global government ideals.

We shared that thought with you more than a year ago here: Rockefeller ‘Future Scenario’ Becomes Reality Of Coronavirus Pandemic. What we are witnessing today was planned and discussed long ago.

Not many people are doing much to combat it. The numbers we are seeing today are great, but we need much, much more. This Aussie provides some thoughts and insight from the common man.

The world is indeed watching Australia.

Don’t Laugh America

In America, the dictator known as the President recently implemented illegal mandates that demand millions of Americans get vaccinated. Biden even said, “this is not about freedom”. Such words should never come from the mouth of an American President.

It seems there are no bounds to the communist tactics being employed in our nation.

Communists Of Clark County

Just two days ago, the Clark County Commission (Nevada) voted and declared,

Health misinformation as a public health crisis and commit to doing all we can to combat the falsehoods that continue to jeopardize the lives of our citizens,” Commissioner Justin Jones, who proposed the resolution, said in a statement immediately following the vote.

That is censorship. They have effectively dictated, they will only allow content that goes inline with the COVID-19 narrative.

The meeting was apparently halted and closed as the public took a stand against the agenda. Mack Miller a candidate for Nevada Lieutenant Governor was dragged out of the meeting.

COVID misinformation is such a problem, they had to drag this man out of the meeting harming him in the process.

Do these people even have a soul?

No Rules For Elites

In Los Angeles, they hold the Emmy’s without masks, even though city policy has mandates in effect. You see, it only affects the average citizen, and not the more elite of society.

The mainstream’s definition of misinformation is anything that does not agree with their agenda.

These are enemies of the people who must be rooted out. Despite all of the information that indicates COVID-19 is not as deadly as advertised, it is not being spread widely enough to make a difference for the overall population.

The Truth Is Silenced

I mean look at these headlines:

  • Fauci Risked Pandemic For Gain-Of-Function Virus Experiments
  • 48% Of COVID Hospitalizations Are Mild Or Asymptomatic Cases
  • Out Of All COVID Deaths, Only 5% Were Solely Due To COVID: CDC

How can this information not become widely public and common knowledge?

The reason is simple.

The suppression of “information” is real. Any information that does not further the lie called COVID-19 is deemed “misinformation”.

This is an information war.

This is not about a virus.

This is a takeover of America and the world by radical powers.

Project Veritas

Then we had James O’Keefe’s and his Project Veritas break some undercover journalism which documents all VAERS events are not being reported. We all knew that, but here it’s been proven. They also leaked a rather candid conversation with an employee at the FDA.

You can find the two videos here:

Croatian President: ”We Will Not Be Vaccinated Anymore.”

Despite all of these horrible events taking place, not everyone is a globalist stooge.

The Croatian President just took a stance against vaccination and the entire COVID-19 narrative. He is not alone, but again, we rarely find this information as it’s not convenient for the narrative at hand.

I have verified the captions are a correct translation.

The only way we can turn this tide is by making a stand like the President of Croatia just did.

The only way we can turn this tide is by refusing to comply with illegal mandates.

Medical Professionals Making A Stand

Many health care professionals are making a stand against the medical tyranny facing the entire world. We recently explained, some hospitals in New York will stop delivering babies due to an employee shortage caused by vaccine refusals.

In Texas, a hospital may close due to vaccine mandates.

The reason, employees are refusing to take the vaccines.

Now how helpful will the medical field be if its shutdown?

These employees are not the only ones making a stand.

Hundreds of doctors are also making a stand and coming out about the dangers of the vaccines, and also explaining how non-lethal COVID is for the majority of the population.

We have shared many of those stories with you already.

Biden Welcome’s Illegal Haitians To America

While our nation and the entire world deals with medical tyranny, we have another crisis.

The border crisis.

You already know there are thousands and thousands of illegal Haitians in Del Rio, Texas.

While the Chief of the Border Patrol told us these illegals will be removed to their nation of origin, that turned out to be a lie. The Biden Admin told us the same lie. U.S. officials have said these illegal Haitians are being processed into the United States.

There is no concern for their state of health, they could be, and probably are, infected with COVID and who knows what else.

Remember what we said just the other day?

In fact, Haiti has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS outside of Africa. For the record, the CIA lists “major infectious diseases” for Haiti as “very high”. The CDC has issued a “very high” alert for COVID-19 in Haiti adding, “Avoid travel to Haiti”.

Biden Border Crisis Out Of Control, 9,000 Haitians Under Bridge In TX

The Hypocrisy!

The hypocrisy is so bad, I cannot take much more of it.

On one hand, our nation tells us we must be vaccinated in order to be a part of society. So we all can be safe. On the other hand, they let in thousands and thousands of illegal Haitians and South Americans who are not tested or vaccinated.

Clearly, our government has no concern for our border. That is a violation of our own laws.

Clearly, our government has no concern for our health. So the whole thing is a lie to gain more power.

I have one question at this point,

What are you going to do with this information?

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