COVID Payments, Vaccine Failures, And Deaths

Just days ago, we were told there are over 6,000 variants of COVID-19. Those of us who suffer from common sense know this is a planted story. I mean COVID did not suddenly split off into various “variants”. It has slowly increased over time.

So this is more fear and hype, more push for people to become vaccinated which ironically, at the same time, causes more doubt over the vaccine.

Hence, why we now have…

COVID Payments

Kroger will pay their employees $100 plus additional bonuses to get vaccinated. Not to be outdone, McDonald’s will pay their employees 4 bonus hours of work if they take the jab. In Michigan, a pot dispensary will give customers a free joint if they show proof of the shot.

We only provided you a sample here, there are dozens of these stories out there.

Vaccine Rollout USA

It only gets better.

The National Football League is preparing to make all 30 of its football stadiums available to the Biden administration as mass vaccination sites for the general public, CNBC’s Dan Mangan reports.


The article notes, seven NFL stadiums have already started administering the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccine Failures

SFGate reports,

South Africa will suspend use of the coronavirus vaccine being developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca after researchers found that it provided “minimal protection” against mild to moderate coronavirus infections caused by the new variant first detected in that country.

I find this one interesting.

At a time when vaccination is ramping up in our country, we see reports of new variants that are causing doubt over the effectiveness of the current vaccine.

Despite this news, it seems more than likely, vaccination will continue to roll out in mass. One has to wonder then if summer 2021 will look much different than summer of 2020…

In other and little reported vaccine news; 501 people have died, and 11,249 people suffered side effects due to the COVID-19 vaccine. Nevertheless, this will not change the mind of most people if they even hear about it. Vaccines always have side effects and there are always reported deaths.

The Current State Of COVID-19

According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 cases continue to decline, though deaths continue to rise and were at record numbers just the other day. Another interesting development. The most likely explanation, they are testing less, which means there are fewer reported cases.

Readers should remember, a death can be categorized as COVID-19 if it is “suspected or likely” according to the CDC. Further, the CDC also reported the mortality rate of COVID-19 is .02%. We also know, asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 NEVER occurs.

So, we are witnessing a manufactured crisis filled with lies, fear, and hype in order to promote a globalist agenda. U.N. Agenda 2030 to be exact and we are already beginning to hear how our world will continue to change to meet that goal.

Closing Thoughts

Readers, please use common sense in your daily news walk. There is so much misinformation and non-truth out there on both sides of the aisle over this topic. Remember, many if not most of the sites that you agree with concerning COVID-19 are peddling you fear in order to sell you products.

They spin the COVID-19 narrative into yet another lie, all the while feeding you just enough truth to suck you in. Make sure you read, Think, Think, Think. The enemy controls both sides of the argument, I cannot stress that enough. Then, we have fools who are out to profit off of your fear.

Finally, if we still have readers who believe that COVID is the killer as advertised, would you please reach out to me. Let me know your thoughts and concerns. You can do that in the comments or contact us. If need be, I will consolidate some information and keep it handy for reference. Maybe this would be beneficial to other readers so they can have that information handy.

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