Has COVID Killed Off The Flu?

According to the World Health Organization and the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the seasonal flu has all but vanished from the face of the earth.

We will discuss the flu numbers in the United States in a moment, but first, let’s look at a few other nations.

Flu In The Southern Hemisphere

The DailyMail explains,

The disappearing act began as Covid-19 rolled in towards the end of our flu season in March. And just how swiftly rates have plummeted can be observed in ‘surveillance’ data collected by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

According to the World Health Organization, the flu season for the Southern Hemisphere never took off…

  • Australia: just 14 positive flu cases were recorded in April, compared with 367 during the same month in 2019a 96% drop. By June, usually the peak of its flu season, there were none. In fact, Australia has not reported a positive case to the WHO since July.
  • Chile: just 12 cases of flu were detected between April and October. There were nearly 7,000 during the same period in 2019
  • South Africa: surveillance tests picked up just two cases at the beginning of the season, which quickly dropped to zero over the following month – overall, a 99% drop compared with the previous year.

The DailyMail adds, flu season in the UK is only beginning,

But since COVID-19 began spreading in March, just 767 cases have been reported to the WHO compared with nearly 7,000 from March to October last year.

So all throughout the southern hemisphere we see a dramatic drop in reported cases of influenza, a 96% plus drop!

Flu In The United States

Now let’s talk about seasonal flu in the United States. We are going to show you two images that came from the CDC’s Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report.

This first image is a representation of the current flu season up to December 19th. As we can see, across the entire United States, we have a “minimal” flu season.

2020-21 Influenza Season Week 51 ending Dec 19, 2020

In order to have some context for the above data, we need to see what last years (2019) flu season looked like around this same time of year.

So we pulled a report that covered the flu data up to December 21st 2019 to match up to the data currently available for 2020.

Here is how 2019’s flu season looked in the United States.

2019-20 Influenza Season Week 51 ending Dec 21, 2019

The comparison is not even close.

In 2019 there were significantly more cases of seasonal flu than in 2020. In fact, it is as if the seasonal flu just vanished, not only from our nation, but from the entire globe.

How could that be?

Social distancing and face masks?

No, we already know neither of those techniques work. If they did, we would not hear about spiking COVID-19 cases. Obviously, those precautions do not work.

That only leaves one logical explanation…

The seasonal flu cases have been recategorized as COVID-19 cases. In fact, that is exactly what we learned from Dr. Braind’s CDC research that we discussed in, Johns Hopkins: “No Evidence That COVID-19 Created Any Excess Deaths”.

It seems with each passing day, more evidence emerges that COVID-19 is a globally manufactured crisis. We continually see data manipulated to support a COVID-19 pandemic, manipulated to make it appear as if there is a pandemic, when in reality, there is not.

This is happening globally, all at the same time. Each nation is mimicking the other in its efforts to curb this manufactured crisis.

Friends, you should be asking yourself why…

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