Look What The Media Is Reporting In Australia!

The government and mainstream media in Australia have gone full blown Communist. The media coverage is so absurd, I did a bunch of double checking to ensure this was a real news report. It is.

The Australian media, specifically 9News shows a citizen sneezing in an elevator alone without covering his mouth. Personally, that’s a big no no in my house.

However, 9News goes on to report there is now a warrant out for his arrest?


He left his home and sneezed.

This is quite literally insane.

The Australian Health Minister Brad Hazzard (he sure is) goes on to say, this citizen

“…is one example of the worst of the worst”.

The worst of the worst?

Are you kidding me?

So this is the type of psychological warfare the government and media are pressing into the minds of Australians right now.

It gets ‘worse’.

A group of teenagers are then vilified for hanging out on the cliffs by the ocean late at night. The eight boys were put in handcuffs and given a 1,000 dollar fine.

The police department commissioner Gary Worboys goes on to say,

681 penalty infringement notices issued in the last 24 hours. More than 400 of those notices were for people being outside of their homes without reasonable excuse.

So if you are in Sydney, Australia, you must have a good reason to leave your home, otherwise, you are considered a criminal, and “the worst of the worst”.

The media report then shifts to a construction crew who has to fire one of their employees as he didn’t have the “proper papers”.

Have they lost their mind?

Have we all lost our minds?

This COVID stuff is insane.

Look at the dang numbers people.

Trucker Strike?

In light of all this, there is a supposed trucker strike scheduled in Australia for August 31st.

I’ll believe it when I see it, but this is required at this point from the people. They cannot allow their government to place them in bondage like this.

Their rights have been removed, their freedoms have been removed.

Getting permission to leave your home from the government?

Don’t laugh America.

That was actually happening in Washington state several months ago.

Don’t laugh America.

How many of us might lose our job if we don’t get a vaccine?

How much are people going to take?

Remember, the government of Australia disarmed their citizens long ago.

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