Middle East Peace: Dawn Of A New World Order

Israel has now made peace with a second Arab nation in the Middle East. In order to understand what is going on, we are going to discuss past events, explain where we are going, and how it’s all tied to Bible prophecy.

First, let’s talk about the news, then we will discuss the rest.

Abraham Accords

These peace agreements fall under a much larger plan called the Abraham Accords. President Donald Trump said these peace accords were named after the “father of all three great faiths.”

We are talking about the Biblical Abraham here…

On August 13th, we discussed the first peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Here’s Trump’s announcement and the official announcement.

At the same time, President Trump added,

“We are already discussing this with other nations. So, you will probably see others of these.”

Fox News

Just a month later and we have another announcement of peace. This time between Israel and Bahrain.

Both of these peace agreements completely normalize relations with Israel. Not only will Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates establish an embassy within Israel (an Israel with them), but they will also cooperate on tourism, trade, health care, and security as well.

“After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East. We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history.”

President Trump

The year 2020 has certainly changed the course of history, and continues to do so.

President Trump goes on to explain there have only been two such peace agreements in the 72-year history of modern-day Israel. Those were Egypt and Jordan, now we have two (four, I will explain) more peace agreements in just a month’s time.

Future Peace Agreements

Looking forward, President Trump said, “at least five or six countries” across the Middle East could normalize relations with Israel. The context leads us to believe this would take place in the near future.

So it appears, the peace process is only beginning…

What About The Palestinians?

According to President Trump, the Palestinians,

“Are seeing what’s happening (with the peace agreements), and we’ve been given very strong signals that they’d like to be a part of what’s happening.”

President Trump

President Trump is pretty confident the Abraham Accords,

“Could lead to peace, real peace in the Middle East for the first time.”

Now from a Biblical perspective, we know there will be no true and lasting peace in this world, not until the Return of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, (1 Thessalonians 5:3, Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 19:15-16).

Yet, we know the Antichrist will not only claim to be God, but claim to bring peace with him.

How This All Started

I want you to go back in your mind to December 2017.

President Trump made waves when he announced the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. That laid the groundwork for the U.S. Embassy to move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Not to mention the Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology and “Arab NATO” that aligned the Arab nations against Iran.

Soon after, Guatemala moved its embassy to Jerusalem, while other nations considered the same. Additional reports indicated Israel was in touch with ten other nations who were considering similar moves.

That all set the stage for the Abraham Accords we are now watching unfold.

Then just ten days ago, Serbia and Kosovo “committed to economic normalization” with Israel, two more peace treaties. Kosovo will even “move its embassy to Jerusalem by July”.

U.S. Embassy Move Setup The Abraham Accords

In 1995, a United States law recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and even stated the U.S. Embassy should move there. Within this law, there is a provision that enabled the U.S. to delay implementing this policy.

In fact, this policy has been delayed every six months by a U.S. President since 1995. That is until President Trump stopped delaying the implementation of this law in 2017.

In essence, this 1995 law laid the groundwork for the U.S. Embassy move and the entire Abraham Accords peace process. We know this peace process is being led by Donald Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner.

Folks, the peace process we are now witnessing is no accident or coincidence. This has been in the works for many years. President Trump just happens to be the guy who receives the glory for it.

A Jerusalem Capital Becomes Acceptable

As we put the pieces together, the United States moving their embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv made the idea of a Jerusalem capital more acceptable to the world.

Obviously acceptable to the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Serbia, and Kosovo.

By doing this, the Palestinians will have no leg to stand on in the sense that they wish to claim all of Jerusalem as their capital. The issue will be settled going into peace negotiations should there be any to begin with.

WEB Notes: Trump To Recognize Jerusalem As Israeli Capital…

As we can see, the idea of Jerusalem being Israel’s capital is becoming more acceptable to the world. This creates creditability for Israel and its government.

In turn, this erodes the Palestinian argument against Jerusalem being Israel’s capital. It will no longer be seen as a legitimate reason to halt the peace process. This is why “the Palestinians will have no leg to stand on” and why Trump just said, “they will be left out in the cold”.

In our same article, we quote a senior U.S. official who said,

The (embassy) move could actually be beneficial to achieving a broader peace deal.


As we just explained and said back in 2017,

By moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, and publicly acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, it removes that aspect from any peace deal, essentially removing a hurdle.

Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has always been an obstacle to peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. Yet, as more nations become accepting of this idea by signing peace agreements with Israel, that obstacle dissolves.

All of these moves have been carefully crafted and calculated like a chess game. We are watching psychological games playing out on the world’s stage.

We should also note from our 2017 article, the U.S. official said,

Recognition of Jerusalem as the capital is expected to be intentionally broad and not meant to preclude the possibility that the Palestinians could claim part of the historic city as a capital of a future Palestinian state.

In other words, President Trump left open Jerusalem so that it can potentially be divided among Israel and any future Palestinian state.

The whole point of the U.S. Embassy move was to cement the idea that Jerusalem belongs to Israel, but they may be open to the idea of sharing portions of the land. That is how it’s being sold anyway, though unlikely to unfold that way.

There Will Be No True Peace

I can guarantee you one thing in all of this.

There will be no true and lasting peace for this world, (1 Thessalonians 5:3). However, they will certainly come up with various peace agreements. That is how the new world order will come about, from peace agreements and agendas like the Great Reset.

Remember, in Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat, we explained how the current global order comes to an end which brings about a new world order. This event will signal The Four Winds Of Revelation have been released. Of course, this new world order government will come to an end from The Deadly Wound. That is when things get really interesting.

So why did I just add this extra level of detail?

The Formation Of A New World Order

The combined events of 2020 are unprecedented with the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic taking center stage. This crisis alone has gripped the entire globe, stripped freedom from us, and placed people, nations, and corporations on the edge of financial ruin.

To add fuel to the fire, the United States, the sole superpower and issuer of the world’s only reserve currency has been inflamed in coordinated leftist riots. Worse yet, manufactured racial hatred has been fomented by political parties, the mainstream media, and megacorps in an effort to tear our country a part.

When the United States falls, so will the current global order.

These unprecedented and continued events consisting of no rational logic as concluded in our observation, lead me to believe, the current global order established in the 1940s is crumbling, by design. We mentioned the possibility of this in The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World.

As the current global order comes to a close, we will begin to witness the subtle formation of the new world order. The peace agreements we have discussed could very well be additional markers for God’s people to identify the establishment of new world order policies. They are certainly the moves of world leaders jockeying for their spot at the table.

The Four Winds of Revelation have not been released. However, there will be a transition from the current world order to the new world order before it becomes an actuality. I believe that is what we are beginning to witness right now. This will not be an instant process, and it will not necessarily be a peaceful one either.

Reigning Over Jerusalem

I must share some additional thoughts with you.

We now have record peace agreements in the Middle East with Jerusalem being the focus. Peace agreements that are named after Abraham the father of the Twelve Tribes of Israel which adds more Biblical significance.

So you understand my thoughts and concern, I have to quote one of our Bible studies.

The image that Daniel is going to explain to us are the kingdoms of the earth down throughout the ages who have reigned over Jerusalem. In fact, the point of them reigning over Jerusalem provides us with a marker that identifies where we are on our Father’s scriptural Timeline.

see: “The Scarlet Beast With Seven Heads And Ten Horns”

The five kingdoms of Daniel 2 all reigned over Jerusalem. As we begin to witness peace agreements with Israel that concern Jerusalem, we should become wide awake. It shows a globally vested interest in Israel and we know one day Jerusalem will be the capital of the world.

These peace agreements are potentially founding policies of the new world order, an order that fulfills the “sixth kingdom.” The new world order that will reign over Jerusalem just as the previous five kingdoms of Daniel.

Jerusalem has always been the marker, and right now, we are globally talking about nations establishing ties to Jerusalem, something that has never occurred before. This indicates the marker and “identifies where we are on our Father’s scriptural Timeline”.

These peace agreements when tied with the rest of world events signify the transition of power from the current order, to the new world order. Again, this will not occur overnight.

We should be careful to note, Jerusalem has never been the center of global power. It has only been an indicator of who is in power by who is controlling it. While the sixth kingdom controls it today, it will solidify and centralize that power through its refined new world order.

However, Jerusalem will not be the center of power. Not until the appearance of Satan, the false messiah who reigns over the “seventh kingdom” in conjunction with the sixth kingdom whose Deadly Wound Satan heals.

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