WHO Declares Coronavirus Pandemic, Global Markets In Free Fall

Another day, more dismal headlines. Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized the coronavirus as a pandemic which means it has spread to many corners of the world. Soon after, we saw many troubling events begin to unfold…

As you read this post, I want you to ask yourself why world organizations, governments, and the mainstream media are publishing such sensational headlines. I want you to think, are the news headlines warranted for the coronavirus that kills 2% of the infected, a virus that is listed on Lysol’s can….

Governments And Organizations Are Causing Panic

Germany expects 70% of their population to become infected with coronavirus. To me, this shows how foolish their leaders are to cause such panic. I am sure this news will cause many German’s to lose their marbles.

Due to WHOs declaration, we saw more craziness.

Will this affect church services, are they telling us we cannot serve God on Sunday because of the hyped up coronavirus?

These extreme measures are being taken over the coronavirus with a kill rate of around 2%. This is not warranted.

In case someone gets sick, or feels uncomfortable at work. Walmart will pay them to be off work.

Meanwhile, the super rich supposedly flew the coup to their safety bunkers as if Armageddon is upon us. Folks, before you can talk about Armageddon, we have to go through the entire Tribulation first, and we are not there yet. So everyone tighten up their bonnets and relax.

The Presidential Address

The fear and hype has grown so much in the mainstream media and government organizations President Trump had a special address last night on TV. It was the first time I turned on TV in a very long time.

You know what we heard?

The President say the best way to stay healthy is to…

  • Wash Your Hands
  • Cover Your Mouth When You Cough Or Sneeze
  • Stay Home If You Feel Ill

Earth shattering stuff there, things we should be doing every single day regardless of the coronavirus.

You should know, the President knows the coronavirus is being overblown.

Trump also said, travel is now restricted from Europe in order to prevent further coronavirus cases from popping up and he explained the chances of getting the virus are very low.

Many lefties bashed the President for his common sense remarks. Hey, if you want to become terrified then turn on the mainstream news. But I have to tell you. I have been talking with people all over the country in big and small cities, and they are telling me it is business as usual. People are still out and about, no one is freaking out.

However, that may begin to change.

If the mainstream media continues to pump sensationalist stories, people will no doubt become conditioned to this viral scenario. Especially concerning the free fall in global financial markets.

A Global Financial Collapse Is Happening

That brings us to global financial markets which are looking very ugly right now. As of this writing, the U.S. stock market is down over 2100 points, that is over 9% in a single day. It will become a record if it closes that low. Further, this comes after the market dropped 1167 points yesterday.

That means the U.S. stock market has now dropped nearly 30% since its high last month. That is the fastest drop in history, yes, worse than the Great Depression.

Due to the President’s address about halting European travel, cruise ship stocks have plummeted 20% or more, airline stocks are also dropping due to the planned lack of travel.

European stocks continued their downward spiral as well looking to close down 9.7% for the day which would be a record.

The Australian government has passed a $17 billion stimulus package to help its economy.

In the U.S., the not so Federal Reserve continues to pump the repo market, now over $175 billion a day.

Now, in all of this, I have failed to see or hear of panic from real Americans.

However, I want you to take note of what is happening.

What Does It All Mean?

Governments are beginning to close the doors of businesses to contain the coronavirus. They are doing this through limiting crowd sizes. Italy has already closed non-essential business in their nation.

Why is that important to take note of?

This will affect those companies financially. Those companies, most of which are already heavily in debt have bills to pay. If they cannot obtain new business because they are closed, they cannot pay their bills which means they will go bankrupt. This in turns means more people will be without jobs, people who already have record debt. We have a recipe for disaster, by design.

Look, here are some recent headlines to back up my point about debt.

This was only a small sample. Just search “debt” on our site and scroll through the headlines.

This coronavirus is beginning to look like a carefully crafted scenario to plunge the global financial system. Look, we can say it is just a virus outbreak, and it certainly could be. Governments could simply be overreacting which shows just how mature they are. We cannot say God did not warn us of that, (Isaiah 3:4).

I want you to think all of this through.

First, is it reasonable to believe this is all mere chance and coincidence?

Sure, absolutely.

However, is it also possible, this is apart of a bigger scenario?


How can we tell the difference?

By watching the results of the actions taking place. That is what you should be watching and paying attention to. The results of the actions. No different than what I have explained in the past.

For years we have been talking about a global financial collapse.


It is one of the tools, I said one of the tools that can be used to help unify the world. Look, everything in the news is about money okay? That is why we are reading about panic. People, mainly governments and companies are worried they will lose out on a buck.

Without a functioning global economy, the world will turn upside down. That is just how our world is tied together.

If this fear and panic continues, we are going to see some real pain out there in the form of finances. Make sure your finances are in order, we have been talking about this for years. No matter what your situation is, relax. Stay calm and turn off the television and put down your phone.

Today, we plan to go for a hike with the family. No fear over here, so you do the same.

When people are in fear, they stop thinking, and they stop using reason, and they go for whatever is presented to them. They will believe whatever they are told. So stay calm and continue to be a thinking child of God. Remember, God needs people who remain calm and can think. God cannot use people who flip out.

I do not want to say too much more right now. We are going to take this day by day and see how it goes.

However, I know some of you are thinking about the Tribulation. We are not there yet folks. If you want to understand about the Tribulation, and how it all goes down, then set aside some time and start reading “The Timeline of the Tribulation.”

Then jump into the first two chapters;

  • The Scarlet Beast With Seven Heads And Ten Horns
  • Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat

These two chapters will really help you understand where we are Biblically, but the key in all of this. Stay calm, keep your prayers going up to God for yourself, your family, friends, and the rest of your Christian family.

Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. – Isaiah 44:8

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