Here’s Why The Republicans Flopped

Over the last six months, we had exuberant talks about a Red Wave. A Republican takeover of the House and Senate to put the kibosh to Biden’s radical agenda.

It was reasonable to believe.

Under Biden’s regime, we have record inflation, record illegal immigration, and we look like fools on the global stage. We’ve also sent billions to Ukraine, and we botched the Afghanistan withdrawal. There’s more, ohh there’s a lot more, but you get the idea right about now.

Despite all of that, the Republicans botched the elections.

There was no Red Tsunami, there wasn’t even a Red Wave, nor Red Tide.

It was like someone pulled the plug and the Republicans went down the drain. They had a chance to capture the House and Senate. It was a gimmie considering the state of our nation, but they managed to botch it anyway.

How is that possible?

We’ll cover all of the reasons in this article. I’m sure you’ve heard many of them already. The talking heads are all over the map with various reasons and scenarios. Heck, they’re already saying, “We’ll win 2024!”

Give me a break.

Meanwhile, the dark circles of the internet are still screaming “voter fraud” like I figured. If I hear another word about “2000 Mules,” I’ll probably puke. To this day, there has been no evidence found in a court of law (under Trump judges), but you already know that.

That doesn’t mean some voter fraud didn’t occur, but it sure isn’t what’s being sold to the masses. You have to remember, the people selling you those lines are funding political campaigns, and they need a reason for you to keep funneling dough to their campaign.

If you look around, the candidates who shouted the most about “voter fraud,” are the candidates that came up with the short end of the stick. Oh I know, I know, “ballot harvesting.” Hey, it’s legal in most states, so the Republicans are to blame for not using the tool.

By the way, if you’re one of those people who can’t stop echoing “voter fraud,” why did Republicans win anywhere if the fraud is so rampant and controlled? I mean, why was it a close race at all? Oh, and how many of you volunteered at the polls?

I’ll leave that one for you to stew on for a bit.

The Reasons

Republican candidates repeatedly shouting “voter fraud” isn’t the only issue that sunk the Republican ship. *cough Kari Lake cough* There are many reasons for the heavy loss we saw last Tuesday.

So here’s the deal…

All I heard from the GOP was “voter fraud,” and all the Dems said was “save our Democracy!”

So what are some of the reasons for the Republican’s heavy-handed defeat?

Lack of leadership and lack of direction

  • Why didn’t the GOP say we should stop funding Ukraine?
  • Why didn’t the GOP talk about their plan to fix inflation?
  • Why didn’t the GOP talk about their plan to fix the border?

All they told you was that Biden sucked.

When they weren’t doing that, they were talking about Hunter Biden.

The last time I checked, Hunter Biden isn’t in the White House.

So why did the GOP come up so short?

  • Could it be Republicans brought nothing to the plate?
  • Could it be that Independents were tired of hearing about “voter fraud?”

Hey, the goons we call Republicans may be able to convince you that Biden sucks, his son is scum, and “voter fraud” is real… But those lines don’t work on Independent voters.

In order to win elections, you need to win the Independents.

Let me show you something…


Do you see that right there?

Independents make up 42% of the voting pool. You cannot win a national election by focusing on “voter fraud,” because they’re not buying that bull. The minority makes up the Republican party, you cannot win with that. I don’t care if 6 million more Republicans voted.

Look, how many people are showing you this graph?

Probably not many.

Instead, they want to force their BS agenda on you, to sway your pocket, and your vote. I’m talking about the candidates, the party, and the right-leaning media.

However, in order to gain the vote, you need to tell people what the issues are, and how to fix them. Not slander the other party, without providing ideas and fixes for the problems at hand.

So, America rejected the current Republican party, plain and simple.

Yet, there’s a lot more to this.

The left has most certainly indoctrinated our youth. Then again, what has the right done to prevent it? Not much, all I ever hear are excuses and blame from the right. The problem is, the Republicans don’t want to take responsibility for their own worthless campaign.

In the end, we saw lots of weak candidates that echoed everything Trump, and they got taken to the woodshed. Weak candidates like Dr. Oz 😳, Hershal Walker 😬, and Blake Masters 🫢. Kari Lake is tough stuff, but she couldn’t focus on the issues, and she spent far too much time bashing the media.

By the way, why was she a supporter of Barrack Obama and the Dems? I notice all these stars on the right, including their media personalities used to be lefties.

Sure, these candidates did great in the primaries. Then again, they were running against other Republicans for the nomination, weren’t they? Yet, they came up short in the national election.


You need the Independent vote.

Now think about this.

Prior to the elections, 71% of Americans said the nation is headed in the wrong direction. 71% of Americans said, our government stinks, but they re-elected them anyway. That means the alternative was that much worse.

Even DeSantis saw it.

“At the end of the day you had an election nationwide, there were some success stories across the country … but there were a lot, a lot of disappointments,” DeSantis said.

“That’s just the reality. It was a hugely underwhelming, disappointing performance, especially given that Biden’s policies are overwhelmingly unpopular. People think the country’s going in the wrong direction, when that happens they almost always want to choose to correct that, yet in a lot of these states they didn’t do that. Well the one place I think that people can look to as the blueprint is Florida.”

Palm Beach Post

Speaking of disappointing…

Do you know Arizona has had a red governor for 20 years?

That is until Kari Lake ran for office, flip blue it goes.

Why do you think that happened?

If you are thinking about Independent voters, you’re onto something.

The people didn’t like Lake’s message which focused on what?

“Voter fraud.”

Just remember, no one, and I mean no one was talking about “voter fraud” or stolen elections until Trump whispered it into your ears during the fall of 2019. He set the stage for so many of our troubles today.

In fact, prior to the 2020 election, Steve Bannon said, “Trump is just going to say he is the winner,” and “they stole the election.” That’s exactly what happened. Ohh, and Border Wall Bannon was a one-time Trump strategist.

More Reasons For Defeat

The Democrats and many Republicans would love for you to believe, one of the reasons for the Republican loss was the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Yet, that’s just something being thrown around like a dirty rag.

We were also told, right after that Supreme Court decision, there would be civil unrest and riots in our nation. It never happened. Blaming the election losses on Roe is a cop-out, but something I certainly expect losers to come up with.

I do have one more major reason why the Republicans botched a gimmie win.

Generation Z.

27% of young people (ages 18-29) turned out to vote in the midterms!

Look how they typically vote.

Tufts University

As you can see, people aged 18-29 predominantly vote Democrat.

The younger generation heard one thing from each party:

  • Republicans shouting “voter fraud!”
  • Democrats shouting “save our Democracy!”

Put yourself in their shoes, with their often distorted frame of mind.

Who would you have voted for with that message?

Hey, that is today’s Generation Z. The generation of people who are glued to their device and believe the world owes them something. The generation that will vote for whoever will cater to them, and give them what they did not earn.

The Republicans failed to sweep the election as they do not have a proper plan or message for the nation. They are no better than the Democrat party. In fact, infighting within the GOP has already started. Trump is picking fights with anyone he thinks might challenge him to the Presidency, and people are pushing back.

Yet, Jesus told us,

“…if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

Mark 3:25

Infighting is not the road to victory, but the road to self-defeat.

What we just witnessed this election cycle was a warning…

Should Donald Trump become the nominee, whoever runs against him will become the next President. Mark my words, unless, Trump turns into a saint and stops his dividing rhetoric.


  • Trump’s alienated Independents.
  • Trump’s driven away the young voters.
  • Trump’s now dividing his own base.

There comes a point in a man’s life when he should recognize the error of his ways. I don’t know if that time will come.

One more thing…

Don’t expect the Republicans to suddenly get their act together. They had two years to get their act together. They had two years to figure out how to win a gimmie election, and all they could win was the House, barely!

Now that they have the House, guess what’s up on their agenda?

Launching an investigation into Hunter Biden. Just like Democrats constantly investigated Trump and his family. It’s a complete and utter poop show on both sides.

If we had a real government that respected you and I. Their primary concern would be inflation, shutting down the border, and they would stop funding Ukraine. Moreover, it would be about investigating COVID-19, and the way the government managed the created crisis.

Yet, we won’t get that.

Do you know why?

If the Republicans actually did something that helped us. They’re concerned it would make the Biden regime look good. So their goal is to make Biden look as bad as possible.

Moreover, if our reps investigated COVID-19, it would mean a lot of our elected officials would have egg on their faces. They’re not about to make themselves look bad. Nope, it’s about bringing down the Biden regime.

The moral of the story is…

The real issues are not coming to light, and no one is coming to save you.

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