Tennessee Gov. Signs Transgender Sports Bill, Requires Athletes To Prove Biological Sex

Yes, yes, and yes! Hey, when we get victories, especially in the world we now live in. You make sure to thank our Heavenly Father. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill which states only people born as females can participate in girl’s sports.

I know. I get it. It’s an amazing concept. But folks, the year is 2021.

With the signing of bill SB0228,

“This bill requires, for the purposes of participation in a middle school or high school interscholastic athletic activity or event, that a student’s gender be determined by the student’s sex at the time of the student’s birth, as indicated on the student’s original birth certificate,” states a summary of the legislation.

Tennessee now becomes the third state in the nation to have banned trans athletes from participating in female sports. They join Mississippi and Arkansas whose Governor just keeps making news in a positive way. This time the Arkansas Governor signed a bill that protects the religious rights of physicians and healthcare organizations who refuse to perform abortions.

Not far behind, Montana just advanced a bill banning transgender athletes in the state. It is most likely the Montana Governor will sign the bill if it makes it to his desk.

All we need is South Dakota’s Kristi Noem and friends to iron out the details and get a bill finalized as well.

For the record.

Folks, this is common sense stuff here. Banning transgender athletes is not “hateful”, “discriminatory”, or anything else. We are the sex we are born as. If someone is upset they were born male, that does not mean everyone else has to distort reality to appease them. That is confusion and selfish behavior.

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