Change Is Coming

Change is coming, you can feel it, and if you’re wise, you can see it.

Most people don’t see the change that is being written on the wall. They’re too distracted with our own political landscape that looks more like a circus than anything else. Yes, we are too distracted from what really matters in our world and the dangers they present.

America is on a crash course to absolute ruin.

Just look at our ailing financial system.

We’re like Rome from long ago, and make no mistake my friends, no empire has ever spanned the ages of time. America is no exception. We have perverted our morality, our money, and our power in the world by imposing a distorted national will on other nations.

A great example was today’s headline…

The first thing that came to my mind, why are our boys still in Syria?

The article goes on to detail how Iran is providing drones to Russia to use against Ukraine. They even included a photo of a drone that looks like a deep fake in my opinion.

How exactly is that related to Syria?

It doesn’t matter.

The idea is to paint Iran and Russia as the enemy to foster more support for Ukraine and any other future war. It’s working quite well I might add. After all, the U.S. just sent the man in high heels another $350 million.

Here’s another thing that strikes me as odd about this news event. Just yesterday, Syria and Saudi Arabia just normalized diplomatic ties. That’s a first since 2011. This comes on the heels of China negotiating a diplomatic treaty between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Are you connecting the dots yet?

Here, let me guide you a bit more.

This is the biggest quote of the year and it happened a couple of days ago.

“Change that hasn’t happened in 100 years is coming and we are driving this change together.”

Daily Mail

Who said it, and what’s it mean?

Now you have the picture.

That was China’s President Xi and Russia’s President Putin concluding a three-day meeting. Putin even led Xi right to his car where this heartfelt message was conveyed between the two of them.

Xi and Putin know, the West has them both firmly in their sights, and they’re not going to sit back and be destroyed by the West and its perverted ideology. No, China and Russia are not perfect, but they do have a right to run their nation as they see fit. Even if you and I don’t agree with it.

Yet, the United States will not allow it. The United States and its cohorts are like a beast that must continue to consume in order to survive. That’s why our nation is so interested in Ukraine and that’s why we are already beefing up Taiwan against “Chinese aggression.”

Come on Mr. and Mrs. America!

We’re always told it’s Russian or Chinese aggression, but it’s always the United States military in other peoples nations.

What the heck does that tell you?

It should tell you our nation is hell-bent on expansion for monetary gain. It should tell you that we have a national intelligence operation who’s pulling the strings. They fabricate reality for us, so we absorb and regurgitate what they want us to in order to drive their agenda.

Surely you see that by now?

I suppose if more people did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

So what “change that hasn’t happened in 100 years” was Xi referring to?

The West dominated world order.

I’ve been explaining for years, Biblically, the world order must change before the final events of the Last Days will occur. This could be a big step in that direction.

All right, this is what Russia said in a press release.

I would like to emphasise that Russia and China pursue an independent and sovereign foreign policy. We jointly work to create a more just and democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the UN.


A Chinese statement said,

Xi and Putin “shared the view that this relationship has gone far beyond the bilateral scope and acquired critical importance for the global landscape and the future of humanity.”

China’s Ministry of Forign Affairs

While we won’t know all the minute details of Xi and Putin’s conversations, we do know they are not going to allow the West to run them over.

So we continue to see the world order become more fractured.

The fact that China just negotiated a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia is huge. Now we have Syria and Saudi Arabia at peace. Yes, we are seeing Arab nations partner up. Saudi Arabia our long-time “ally” is now rubbing elbows with the “axis of evil,” known as Syria and Iran.

  • So if the Ukrainian war continues on, whose side do you think they’re going to take?
  • The morally corrupt debt-ridden West who bullies their subjects into submission?
  • Or will they side with Russia and China who want to build a more fair world order?

You decide, but the West isn’t backing off.

In fact, they just escalated their rhetoric against the head of one of the most powerful nuclear nations on the planet. As I informed you on Monday, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has an arrest warrant for Putin. While the U.S. and Russia don’t conform to the ICC, other nations do.

Not only do other nations conform, but they are obligated to follow the ICC dictate. Which states, if a member nation hosts an individual who has an arrest warrant, they must arrest them.

German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, said last week,

Germany will be obliged to arrest President Putin if he enters German territory and hand him over to the International Criminal Court.

While it’s doubtful Putin would travel to Germany, Putin is scheduled to visit South Africa in the summer which is a part of the ICC.

This all prompted Russia’s Medvedev to issue the following statement.

“Let’s imagine – obviously this situation which will never be realised – but nevertheless lets imagine that it was realised: The current head of the nuclear state went to a territory, say Germany, and was arrested

What would that be? It would be a declaration of war on the Russian Federation. And in that case, all our assets – all our missiles et cetera – would fly to the Bundestag, to the Chancellor’s office.”

The Hill

I don’t imagine Medvedev was being hyperbolic here.

Medvedev was also asked if the threat of a nuclear conflict has subsided.

“No, it hasn’t decreased, it has grown. Every day when they provide Ukraine with foreign weapons brings the nuclear apocalypse closer. Our relations with the West are already worse than they have ever been in history.”


So there you have it.

Escalation after escalation.

One thing is extremely clear to me.

Russia’s not going to back down. If they do, the West will ensure Ukraine becomes a NATO member (as they have already promised), and that will seal Russia’s fate. China also knows this, and they know they need to lock elbows with Russia to rebuff the West.

We live in unprecedented times my friends.

While the media is going to tell you how evil China is, you just remember which nation on earth created China to begin with.

We did.

We did, every time we outsourced our companies to communist China. We provided them with more power and wealth.

Why did our nation do it, why did our corporations do it?

So they didn’t have to pay you decent wages. So they could reap more profits beyond what they already possessed. Now the media who is owned by the same billionaires wants you to hate China with a passion. I tell you what, I hate my own nation more than China at this point.

It wasn’t China that locked down my nation and forced vaccines on the public.

It was a Republican government that did it, and the Democrats were happy to keep the ball rolling.

It wasn’t China that placed our nation in record debt.

It was a Republican government that increased the national debt by 39% which caused an economic boom due to trillions in printed dollars that were passed out to the masses, (CATO).

Now, we’re suddenly shocked by inflation.

How short-sided we are.

So I don’t blame China or Russia for the state of my nation, I lay that firmly at the footsteps of our elected officials. Elected officials who have no problem perverting America for their own gain and betterment. All the while they brainwash your mind that they’re doing it for you.

Our nation continues to slide on all fronts.

Change is coming…

Let me close with this thought.

Thousands of years ago, God blessed a nation with riches and power. God even protected that nation against their enemies. Yet, that nation vanished from existence once they turned their back on Him.

That nation was Israel, and we’re following right in their tracks.

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