UN: Half Of World’s Workers ‘At Immediate Risk Of Losing Jobs Due To Coronavirus’

The United Nations estimates 1.6 billion people are going to lose their jobs before this is all said and done. In the United States, we lost another 3.84 million jobs last week, and the stock market goes up, up, up!

United Nations Anouncement

Here is what the United Nations had to say.

“It shows I think in the starkest possible terms that the jobs employment crisis and all of its consequences is deepening by comparison with our estimates of three weeks ago,” the UN agency’s director general, Guy Ryder, told a briefing, foreseeing a “massive” poverty impact.

For millions of workers, no income means no food, no security and no future. Millions of businesses around the world are barely breathing,” said Ryder. “They have no savings or access to credit. These are the real faces of the world of work. If we don’t help them now, they will simply perish.”

  • No job.
  • No food.
  • No future.
  • No security.

This is a created crisis, a carefully choreographed crisis. Coronavirus did not cause this, our governments and businesses caused this crisis. They closed the doors in the United States when only 50 people died. 50 people, over a COVID-19 that kills 0.1% of those infected.

Now I want you to use your pretty little head, and think what this means for the future…

Wait, let’s read some more.

Economic Outlook In The United States

Now let’s talk about the United States.

In just six weeks, we have lost 30 million jobs in this country. I said, we lost 30 million jobs in six weeks!

Then, yesterday it was announced U.S. GDP dropped 4.8%. Let me re-phrase that, GDP came in at -4.8%. This is absolutely horrible! Yet, the stock market was up over 500 points on the day of the announcement. When in history have you seen that?

Never, not once, ever.

Yet, in the times we find ourselves in, that is reason to celebrate and buy?

Who is buying?

The Federal Reserve is buying, they are buying up all of the assets. This is a major power play. This is a major takeover of our country.

What Will Happen?

Are you thinking about that?

You better be.

If half of the world loses their job, what do you think that means? People will be broke, busted and destitute. It will not matter if they open the country back up.

If you open up the country, are in debt from months of lock down without a job, exactly how are you going to play a role in the consumer economy we have?

You will have no money to go back x, y, or z. Which means the companies that laid people off will not be hiring back. If there is no demand for goods, there is no demand for jobs.

Do you get it or not?

It is economics 101.

I don’t know folks, as of right now, that is where this thing is going. I mean 30 million Americans are out of work right now. Add to it the 90 million or so who have been out of the labor force before this. Those are some very, very ugly numbers.

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