This Is Why Afghanistan’s Army Folded

In all of this, my mind continually wonders how it was possible for the Afghan Army, numbering at 330,000, and armed with billions in U.S. weapons…

How could they fold up and run away once the U.S. left?

I just cannot comprehend that sort of failure and cowardice.

I think the truth is even more bizarre than what many of us probably imagine.

Maybe this will help us understand…

The date of this video is undisclosed, but from the next video, I am quite certain it’s from the Obama era.


These Afghan troops cannot even do jumping jacks properly.

That’s an understatement.

So our military brass, our President’s, that’s plural all knew these failures. This is not something new to them. It’s only new to the American people.

Yet, we stayed there for 20 years!

Look at this next video.

This video is from the Obama era.

The American solider estimates 85% of the Afghan army was on drugs. Our men and women had to deal with that every single day.

So our government, our Republican and Democrat government has known for years the Afghan’s were failures and they were never, ever going to hold their own.

How could they?

They’re on drugs, illiterate, and overall failures.

Now proven by the events unfolding there.

Let this all be a lesson to you, never, ever trust your government. They are now telling us ISIS is a threat again. If the ISIS jumping jack routine is anything like the Afghan armies, I am not concerned.

Further, why is ISIS a threat, why will Islamic fascism became “a thing” once again?

Our government rushed out of Afghanistan with absolutely no plan in place. They left billions and billions of dollars in military hardware in the hands of the Taliban.

Would this not embolden you?

Of course it would!

The Taliban just won the biggest spoils of war in world history.

That’s not an exaggeration.

The Taliban has been gifted the weapons of an army that numbered at 330,000.

This is an arsenal that we cannot imagine. The few images and video clips you are seeing on TV are not going to cut it.

The Taliban has the biggest spoils of war in world history. They will share it with ISIS, with Al Qaida, etc. Our government has armed our enemies. This is a crime against all Americans and a crime against humanity itself.

Our soldiers that died in Afghanistan have died in vain and your politicians are to blame. Your mainstream media is to blame. They all knew this, all these years, but failed to report it to you.


Hands were being buttered with cash. War is a money maker. Someone has to build more bombs, more planes, tanks, helicopters, trucks, rifles, etc.

Now our government will tell us ISIS is a threat here at home.


So they can exert even more control over us.

George Bush gave us Homeland Security and the TSA. Those naked body scanners in the airport will not go away, even though our government has clearly armed our enemies.

Yet, you are the Domestic Terrorist because you don’t want a vaccine shot?

Our government has utterly failed.

This catastrophe is so bad, it’s going to make most American’s reject their government, and rightfully so. When I see events like this unfold, I remember, there cannot be a new world order, until the old world order is destroyed.

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