Will Iranian Nukes Trigger The Events Of Daniel 8?

Yes, I believe Persia which is known as Iran today is tied to the prophetic book of Daniel. This has always been an intriguing concept to consider, not only from a Biblical point of view, but concerning geo-politics as well.

I’ll explain Daniel 8 in a moment, but why am I bringing this up today?…

According to official reports, Iran can now produce enough uranium to build a nuclear bomb every 12 days. Not bad for a nation whose Navy partially consists of speed boats. Why it used to take Iran a year or so to produce that much material, but now they have it down to just 12 days.

Never mind the fact Iran still cannot produce uranium at 90%, that would be “weapons grade,” and needed for a nuclear bomb. These days, Iran can only enrich uranium to 84%. Iran does keep improving though, if you can believe the Pentagon officials.

Iranian Boogieman

I’ve been watching the Iran scenario play out for 20 years now.

In the early days, we were constantly told Iran was going to carry out a suitcase nuke attack against the United States.

It never happened, and how could it?

They never had the capability to begin with.

So there’s always been some boogieman factor, and reason why we have to kick Iran in the rear end. These days, it’s the concept that Iran is right on the edge of developing a nuclear weapon. Though,

“…officials did not believe Tehran was proficient enough with the technology needed to actually construct a nuclear bomb, and Iran has denied having any such ambition.”

NY Post

So there you have it, Iran won’t be building a bomb anytime soon.

The same story for the last 20 years.

Yet, that didn’t stopped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from launching a military strike on Iran back in January. It’s worth noting, Netanyahu is in political turmoil once again, so painting someone else as the enemy is a fantastic political stunt to keep the pressure off himself.

This would be the same Netanyahu that told us back in 2018 Iran was thisclose to developing a nuclear bomb.

Bibi Iran This Close At UN 2012
Israel: ‘Ready To Attack Iran, We Need To Take Military Action’

Yes, if you follow that link, you’ll see back in 2021, Bibi was at it again! Saying, we need to take action against Iran. That’s always been his mantra.

Iranian Missiles

However, there’s more reports out of Iran. They’ve stepped up to the stone age and constructed a long range cruise missile that’s capable of hitting Israel. Yet, if we backup to November of last year, Iran developed a hypersonic missile.

Sure they did.

Then, back in July Iran claimed the “technical ability to build a nuclear bomb.”

They sort of shot themselves in the foot with that one. Nevertheless, the West has been itching for a reason to take out Iranian leadership for decades. It’s well planned and written out in a 2009 document called, “Which Path To Persia.”

The purpose of the Brookings Report is to layout a plot to destroy the government of Iran.

The United States might be able to provide a reasonable justification for such a campaign by building on the fact that the UN Security Council has repeatedly proscribed Iran’s nuclear enrichment activities in resolutions enacted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which are binding on all member states.

This was one scenario that could be used to attack Iran using the United Nations as justification.

Here’s another…

The United States might mount further strikes against Iranian command and control, terrorist support, or even conventional military targets. However, these would more likely be staged in response to Iranian attacks against the United States or its allies that were mounted in retaliation for the initial round of American strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.

The text I placed in bold is important to observe as we look at the world’s stage. The thought of “Iranian attacks against the United States or its allies” becomes an interesting scenario.

Reports continue to swirl that Iran is placing warships in or near South America. The United States perceives this as a threat, even though we have Iran completely surrounded with U.S military bases.

Then, according to the U.S., Iran is providing Russia with drones and other military hardware in their war against Ukraine.

Yes, a U.S. ally.

So we begin to see how the highlighted scenario could play out. There could become many reasons for the U.S. or Israel to strike Iran. As we can see, it’s been in the playbook since 2009.

Daniel’s Vision

So from a political standpoint, we can see how Daniel 8 fits in the modern era. The West clearly has an axe to grind with Iran. It’s been well planned and even carried out through numerous attacks against Iran by Israel.

Yet, the thought of Daniel 8 plays out not only politically, but Biblically.

Let’s take a look.

Daniel 8:6
And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power.

I’m not going to go into great detail here, I did that in my Bible study, “Daniel’s Vision.” As I concluded in that study, Iran is the Ram. The “he” that “came to the ram” is the ‘he goat that came from the west,’ (Daniel 8:5).

We can certainly see the symbology in that today. We have a unified “Western” block of nations that stand in deep opposition to Iran.

However, we have more important details that pinpoint a geographical location in Daniel.

  • Daniel is the one who sees this.
  • Daniel is the one having the vision.

Daniel observes this vision by the river Ulai which is located in Iran. So the vision is firmly affixed to a specific point on earth. We don’t just have a vision, but we have a vision tied to a specific location.

You cannot disregard, it’s key.

Daniel 8:7
And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand.

Again, Daniel observing by the river Ulai.

He witnesses the goat symbolic of the current global structure attacking the ram symbolic of Iran. The goat (West) completely subdues the ram (Iran). No one can save him or help him.

Daniel 8:8
Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven.

These are very important and prophetic details.

To me, this signifies the destruction of the current Western global order. Once it prevails against Iran under the fear of Iranian nukes, there will be a space of time before the current global order collapses, which brings about “four notable ones” or four aspects of a new global government.

This in fact, unleashes the Four Winds of Heaven, which means, the Seven Trumpets of Revelation begin to sound. There is no other event of our lifetime that has fit so neatly and clearly for what I briefly laid out.

In a sense, we are already witnessing this Western led world order begin to collapse due to strife and division over the war in Ukraine. The situation with Iran just may be the straw that breaks the camels back…

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