So It Turns Out COVID Was A Farce & The Lab Leak Theory

From the very onset on the COVID pandemic, I knew it was a farce.

I recall telling readers about my can of Lysol and the sign we plastered on our truck. Yet, in those early days of the pandemic, I caught quite a bit of heat from readers for saying COVID was being hyped.

It was a difficult mental hurdle for most to overcome. Then, some who realized the mainstream narrative was inconsistent succumbed to propaganda from the other side that told them COVID and vaccines were something they were not.

Sad days.

The COVID pandemic was and still is a dreary point in world history.

Governments and media successfully divided the people. They divided family and friends over a trivial virus. Yes, I said a trivial virus. Fast forward to the present and we find the media finally reporting the truth about COVID and vaccines. Vaccines that were never safe and effective.

You know, that’s what always got me the most about this whole saga…

How a trivial virus became such a massive point of contention. It only shows how the fear of man can really black hole us. It also shows us how wicked men use fear to gain power and wealth. There’s no debating the fact, COVID was used by globalists to further their agenda which has surely stalled at this hour.

Yet, there was never a reason to fear as I pointed out early on. I still recall the Diamond Princess cruise ship that’s never mentioned. COVID broke out aboard a ship of elderly people in March of 2020.

The fatality rate was 1%.

Yet, this was their statistical modeling for the real world.

Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%.

Coronavirus Fiasco

That means COVID was to have a 99.875% survival rate in the real world!

We knew that on March 20th of 2020.

Just days later, it was Dr. Fauci who said,

the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)


Yet, the media ran wild, so did our government, and Dr. Fauci. Lockdowns ensued and the rest is history. All despite medical study after medical study saying COVID was similar to the annual flu.

In fact, that’s exactly how the CDC characterized COVID from the beginning.

CDC: Symptoms of COVID-19

However, it’s not like the media never reported the truth on COVID. In fact, they and the medical establishment spoke with fork in tongue.

All of that was well known back in May of 2020 which I reported on.

We always said mask mandates were a joke as masks did nothing. Even the CDC, WHO And Scientific Journals admitted the same back in July of 2020.

Even saying,

The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.


You can say that again.

Ironically enough, you can see politics at play with the notice on that scientific article.

When they invented the arbitrary number of staying 6 feet a part, we learned from a scientific journal that is was all bogus.

“One is no safer from airborne pathogens at 60 ft than 6 ft,” PNAS concluded in April of 2021.

So the mainstream media along with their social media counter parts did a fantastic job concealing these truths. The only thing they really promoted was dead bodies piling up which just never happened.

In fact, the lockdowns proved to be disastrous for the health of every American. While 46% of Americans under 45 were largely unharmed by COVID, their mortality rate increased 26%.

Sage Journal

Most of us realized during the pandemic, these facts would eventually come to light.

Well, here we are.

Yet, some within the mainstream media have had the gall to call for pandemic amnesty. So they can be excused from their crimes against humanity. Sorry, not going to happen. These are just some of the reasons why Americans do not trust the media.

The Wall Street Journal was kind enough to recently report being unvaccinated was always the best option scientifically speaking.

Meanwhile the NEJM said, “boosters should be reserved for people who need protection.”

The biggest shoe to drop of late was a report by the Cochran Library which says, masks do nothing.

Even the New York Times jumped on board with their article titled, “The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?

Probably not.

So we can continue to expect to hear more reports about how COVID was hyped and the vaccines didn’t do what we were told they were going to do. Sentiment I had from the beginning. Unfortunately, I still recall the CDC director sharing that with us last summer.

I also recall Dr. Fauci back in 2012,

Consider this hypothetical scenario: an important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed …  what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? … I have said—that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.

Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus: The Way Forward

Fauci was always a monster.

Queue the lab leak theory that is now being promoted by the U.S. Energy Department with “low confidence.”

I immediately begin to wonder how many are going to tout this as fact… What strikes me as odd is how quickly we typically dismiss the government, but we are snappy to embrace their theories when they tie in to our own.

Not very objective, is it?

Personally, I don’t expect the truth to ever come out with respect to COVID origins. Sure, it could be the Wuhan lab, we know it was funded by Fauci and friends, but it’s certainly no bio-weapon. Bio-weapons don’t have a 0.1% fatality rate.

So I have a few issues with all of this.

It’s loaded with propaganda.

COVID should have never been deemed a pandemic to begin with. China, China, China didn’t declare it a pandemic in our nation, we did, our Federal Government. So all the harm that’s come upon your family is not a result of China, but the working of our own Federal Government.

But now, the government wants you to believe it came from China.


To take the pressure and heat off of them of course.

Not only that, but it plays right into the global political divide that we are seeing play out on the world’s stage. Russia and China are pulling back from the current world order all over the war in Ukraine.

Never forget, back in 2014, it was the United States who helped oust a pro-Russian Ukrainian government only to replace it with a pro-Western one. Our Federal Government did that. So I see blame on China for COVID being a part of the ploy to keep the heat off the Feds and shift it to China.

Hey, China didn’t force you to take a vaccine.

You’re government did that.

The media did that.

The corporations did that.

Even if the virus did escape from the lab, our government should have never ever locked down. Nor should they have promoted experimental vaccines as the cure for a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate.

While COVID has all but dried up, there is yet another war on for your mind.

Be careful what you buy into.

As I’ve said before, and I’ll say again, Everything’s A Lie To Brainwash Our Mind.

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