Is This How We Treat Other Christians?

As you read today’s article, I want you to self reflect…

As a seasoned Christian, I’ve always been a bit disappointed with how Christians treat each other. Unfortunately, I’ve seen more self righteous attitudes from Christians than anyone else. Some will tell you, that you’re wrong, about everything, while they lay claim to “the truth.”

You know, nearly all Christians believe they have “the truth.”

Which means…

You don’t have the truth.

Isn’t that something?

Now, this concept, this aspect of our belief stems from the thousands of different Christian denominations.

Hey, if you’re not a:

  • Baptist
  • Methodist
  • Lutheran
  • Presbyterian
  • Insert faith here…

Then, you don’t have “the truth.”

By definition, that means no one has the whole truth, but everyone has some truth.

You get that, right?

I mean, our faith is fractured within various denominations, so that means we all can’t be right.


So then, why argue and fight with your Christian brothers and sisters?

Yes, anyone who professes Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is a Christian.

John 3:16, 1 John 4:15

Lately, I’ve been encountering this more and more. I’ve seen it in my daily life, I’ve seen it in my email box, and within our community. I find it disturbing to say the least. Folks, we can all disagree, but we don’t need to belittle others just because they believe differently than we do.

Take a look at this…

James 4:1
From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?

James was talking about a specific church in the early days. They were fighting and bickering about everything. They wished ill upon their brothers. Lord in Heaven, that’s horrible! If we’ll fight and bicker with a fellow believer, then how are we treating the world whom we’re trying to convert?

I have to tell you…

If I was a non-believer, the last thing I would ever do is listen to you tell me about your Jesus.

I mean, many Christians don’t even live according to His Word, but they want a non-believer too?

It’s preposterous!!!

Moreover, if we’re busy tearing each other down over our beliefs, how much of a smile does Satan have on his face? I mean, the church is at war with itself, as

“You don’t believe how I do, and I don’t believe how you do. I’m right, you’re wrong.”

How stupid!

Friends, never ever set yourself up on an ego trip. When you act like you’re all knowing, that’s exactly what you’re doing. Hey, it’s good to be confident in your faith and beliefs. That’s marvelous, but you don’t need to disrespect other people, much less other Christians.

You know, some Christians will get upset with you for making an argument, that Adam and Eve were not the first people on earth. They’ll hoot and holler at you for it. As if you insulted their mother or something!

They’ll say you’re adding your opinion to Scripture, even though you cite Scripture, they just don’t believe the argument.

Yet, in the next breath, they’ll say Adam and Eve had daughters before Seth.

Scripture says nothing about that.

So that’s, “opinion.”

Isn’t it funny, the pot calling the kettle black.

Now, others will say, the universe was created in six 24 hour periods of time, and if you don’t believe that, then it’s your “opinion.” You know what kills me about that one? The sun wasn’t created until the “fourth day” of Genesis. So clearly, the days of creation are not literal 24 hour periods of time.

Yet, even if they were, is it really worth bickering over?

I don’t think so.

Now, healthy debate?


But that’s respectful, and it’s intellectual.

That’s when we crack open our Bible and use Scripture to debate our perspective, not insults. It’s not like you win the lotto if you’re right. I mean come on folks, that’s how we learn, grow, and mature in Scripture, which proclaims, “iron sharpeneth iron,” (Proverbs 27:17).

Instead of being quick to open thy mouth in rebuke, be quick to listen to thy brother. If he has errored, and if you’re correct, you’ll be able to stir him in the right direction. Yet, if you resort to insults, he’s never going to listen to you, which means…

You failed Jesus Christ.

You failed Christ as you couldn’t stay cool, calm, and collective.

You were more concerned with being right, than helping your brother in Christ.

It’s shameful, it truly is.

Folks, this is yet another reason why our faith continues to dwindle…

  • Other people see what I see…
  • Non-believers see what I see…

And they want no part of it.

Friends, Jesus asked you to go out into the world and be His Ambassadors…

Jesus asked you to go out into the world and help to spread the Gospel. That’s not just telling non-believers about Jesus. That’s being a good communicator. That means leading your life with good intensions, a true heart, and letting the Bible lead your path.

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