Trump Assassination Attempt Emphasizes Political Divide

I’ve been talking a lot about division lately.

I’ve been saying over and over again: politicians, the media, political commentators, influencers, and the like are helping to sow political hatred in our country. I’ve said, if this doesn’t come to a halt, our nation is going to fall. I don’t think people are taking messages like this serious enough.

When you have the highest echelons of political power on both sides of the isle saying…

  • Democracy will end with the other guy in power…
  • Our country will be destroyed with the other guy in power…

Then, you have to be wise enough to understand statements like that are designed to trigger a response. They’re designed to galvanize support for a candidate, while sowing hatred for the other. They’re designed to divide our nation, not bring it together.

Today, we don’t see issues as united Americans, we see issues as left or right.

So the division continues…

“And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”

Jesus Christ, Mark 3:24

On Saturday, that division became crystal clear, when former President Trump was nearly assassinated. If you think the constant political rhetoric is just talk, then you need to slap yourself awake. Talk is talk, but talk drives weak minds to do the unthinkable.

Saturday was our example.

My friends, we are being brainwashed on a daily basis by the radicals on the left and right. I’ve talked about this. The reality is, we’re being used like a dirty rag. If you cannot see that, then you are a part of the problem, and you are allowing the forces at work to shape your mind, for their purpose.

We are being used, and the 20 year old would be assassin was used, and it cost him dearly.

Just think…

This young man allowed politicians, social media, and the mainstream to rile him up so much, that he decided to take President Trump’s life. He wasn’t successful in his mission, but he still killed someone, and in turn, he lost his own life.


  • Do his beliefs really matter to him anymore?
  • Are politics that important, that we allow our minds to be perverted to no end?

It’s almost like Americans love to be aggravated, and have someone to hate.

Have we nothing better to do?

The fact of the matter is…

Americans are a product of their leaders, and their leaders are a product of the people.

  • We are a product of our fallen nation and world.
  • We are a product of what we allow into our mind.

As a nation, we don’t allow much God into our mind, so something else has taken its place. Something evil and vile. Take a look around. Look how people on the left and right treat each other. There’s no attempt at finding common ground, there’s only division, hatred, and more fuel to make our passions burn.

I found a classic example the other day, in an article titled,

“Christian extremists use Scripture to justify violent goals”

Yet, isn’t it the left that causes most of the issues in our nation?

They continually blame the right for what they themselves do.

The left continually says that Christians are a threat, and that whites are domestic terrorists.

How is any of that unifying?

In reality, Christians simply want to preserve what little we have left of our country, while the left desires to continually transform America into something she never was, or intended to be.

How can the two sides come together, when we’re that far a part?

There’s only one way, but it doesn’t involve elections.

Instead, it involves America turning back to God.

However, even such a simple notion faces an uphill battle. The fact of the matter is, the media, our education centers, our cities, and major corporations are predominantly liberal. It’s these institutions that continually tell us, “God is not real, and that we exist thanks to evolution.”

That is why the world is the way it is.

That is why America is a sinking ship.

You cannot expect national blessings when your nation rejects God.

It’s a fact, this nation was founded on Godly principals, I discussed that the other day.

Therefore, in order to regain our standing in the world, elections will not do it. Instead, as a nation, as a people, we need to turn back to God. Not when it’s convenient for us. Not because one of our leaders was spared from death, but because it’s the right thing to do.

You can make all the right political arguments, but without God, you’re not going to be successful.

How many of you really understand and believe that?

If you think you can accomplish anything without God, you are sadly mistaken.

As a Christian, it’s your duty to place God before everything else.

Until we do that as a nation, until our leaders elevate God above all, then you can expect more calamities to occur. You can expect more hatred and hostilities. You can expect more division amongst the people.

My friends, we now have a new precedent in our nation, the door to escalation was just kicked open.

Heavenly Father,

I ask that you comfort the family of the individual who perished in this senseless shooting. I ask that you heal those who were injured in the turmoil, and I thank you for protecting our leaders, to advert more calamity among men.

Lord, I ask that you help provide the people with a heart to seek and know you, so that you may heal us as a people and nation. Without you, without your direction and guidance, we are lost sheep led to the slaughter.

Father, I ask that you direct the path of those who love you. Please help my fellow brothers and sisters to continue the Godly course, and become an example to those who are lost. Lord, help build our faith and endurance in you, for today, and for the days to come.

In Jesus name, amen.

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