There’s No Separation Of Church And State. Here’s Why.

We’re often told, “We cannot violate the separation of church and state.”

Have you ever asked yourself, “Where did that statement originate?”

It may surprise you, but this concept is not found in any of our nation’s founding documents.

So where does this thought come from?

From a misunderstanding of the First Amendment.

Let’s read it together.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t read anything about “the separation of church and state.” In reality, this Amendment simply states, the United States government cannot have an “official” religion, or specifically, a denomination.

When we rewind history, the only “religion” in America was Christianity.

So America was founded by people who left “religious” persecution from across the pond. They didn’t flee because they were Muslim or Buddhist, they fled because they were Christians, and they came to America so they could serve God according to their beliefs, not according to the whims of the government.

That’s what it’s all about.

So essentially, we’re being told the United States cannot promote any particular faith within Christianity. I know some may not agree with that, but you just started reading this article. Please sit tight, I will unveil a plethora of evidence that indicates, America was founded on Christian principles, by Christian founders…

The Bible In America

Now, before I get to that evidence, let me share some thoughts with you…

We’re starting to hear more about the Bible being taught in school or displayed in the public square. That does not violate the First Amendment. Not in the least. In fact, the Bible is a historical document. Therefore, an individual can be taught from the Bible without the added religious aspect.

Some may wish to debate that…

However, if society says that we cannot bring the Bible to school, then it’s religious discrimination. I mean, why would we say secular history can be taught in school, but not “religious” history? Folks, it’s all world history, whether you’re religious or not.

Therefore, by arguing against the Bible in schools, you’re arguing for the removal of our Christian rights. You’re arguing for the desecration of our faith, which our ancestors fled from hundreds of years ago.

America’s Christian History

Now, let me reveal the Christian history of our nation…

Today, we’re commonly told the United States was not founded on Christian principles. In fact, some go to great lengths to prove this point in an effort to conceal the truth, which is shameful. In reality, America was founded on Christian principles, and the evidence is all around us…

The apex of the Washington Monument is inscribed “Laus Deo,” which means “Praise be to God.” Not to mention, multiple memorial stones within the monument contain Biblical citations, (Cornell Law).

The Jefferson Memorial is engraved with three quotes from Jefferson, which show God is a central theme in our nation.

The Lincoln Memorial contained two of Lincoln’s most famous speeches, the Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Address. Both of these speeches acknowledge our Heavenly Father and mention the Bible.

Lincoln Memorial: Clear references to God and the Bible.

The first federal monument in the U.S. honors sailors who died in Tripoli. The dates of the fallen sailors are noted as “the year of our Lord, 1804, and in the 28 year of the independence of the United States.”

Not to mention the 23 relief portraits at the U.S. Capitol, which feature, Moses.

As we can see, our Christian faith is rooted deeply within the fabric of our nation’s history. Yet, many choose to deny this fact, while others are completely oblivious to its existence and importance.

Yet, there’s even more evidence for Christianity within our nation’s history…

Look what the U.S. Department of Justice explains.

“…the Decalogue’s [Ten Commandments] influential role in the development of American law, reproductions and representations of the Ten Commandments have been commonly employed across the Country to symbolize both the rule of law itself, as well as the role of religion in the development of American law.”

So then, even our modern government admits that Christianity is deeply rooted within our nation’s history.

They have more to share…

  • Moses with the Ten Commandments appears, alongside other historic lawgivers, in a frieze within the chamber of this Court, as well as on the east facade of the Supreme Court building.”
  • “A statue with Moses holding the Ten Commandments appears in the rotunda of the Library of Congress, while the main reading room includes a painting of a woman raising her hands in prayer, with the Ten Commandments by her side.”
  • The National Archives has embossed on the marble floor of the main display room a bronze seal that includes a depiction of the Ten Commandments.”
  • Similar displays of the Commandments appear at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Building in Washington, D.C., as well as other federal buildings and courthouses across the Country.”

If that doesn’t convince you, how about a quote from Benjamin Franklin?

“I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?”

Reagan Library

Amen to that, and it’s exactly what Scripture explains…

Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of Godthe powers that be are ordained of God.

I recently shared this Scripture with you in my article, “This Is Why You Shouldn’t Fret About The Elections…

Now, before I conclude, I want to share one more proof of God within our government. In 1800, then President of the United States John Adams penned,

I Pray Heaven To Bestow The Best Of Blessings On This House And All that shall hereafter Inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under This Roof.”

White House History

In 1945, this statement was carved into the State Dining Room in, The White House.

With so many prominent figures promoting God in their words and through their works, evident in our public monuments, it makes you wonder why we ever hear the phrase, “separation of church and state.”

After all, do we really think our nation’s founders, the ones who penned the First Amendment didn’t realize their actions by giving credit to God?

Of course they knew what they were doing, and they did it as they were God fearing Christians.

Therefore, the First Amendment simply declares, one Christian faith, one Christian denomination cannot be promoted over another. Not that God cannot have a place within our government, its monuments, and the daily lives of its citizens.

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