Mandating Vaccines For Interstate Travel, Biden Considers

These days, when I wake up in the morning, I have to check my GPS to make sure I am still in… America. When I read the Biden Administration has considered mandating vaccination for interstate travel, I could not believe my eyes.

You probably cannot either, so let’s go ahead, and prove the point.

This ABC article explained, the Biden Administration was eying tougher vaccine rulers without provoking a backlash, (umm… there already is a backlash).

Still, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing at this time. An administration official said the interstate travel vaccination requirement was not under consideration at the moment.

That’s not to say they won’t be implemented in the future, as public opinion continues to shift toward requiring vaccinations as a means to restore normalcy.

If it wasn’t under consideration, then how on earth did it get brought to light?

Who would even think of such things?

Godless souls of course.

So that is our Federal Government dictating more to you over the whims of a dictator.

How would they even enforce this, who would enforce it?

Who knows.

Are we going to back up the interstate for miles waiting to check on people’s COVID passports?

Nah, we will just make it a stipulation to obtain a drivers license.

How would the Feds enforce even that?

That’s a state decision.

Does anyone see why I call Executive Orders, illegal?

They are not legal, and press upon the people.

Further, once a new guy steps into office those Executive Orders are changed anyway. We saw that once Biden obtained office. This is supposed to be America where the nation is ruled by the rule of law, the Constitution.

If this sort of thing continues and escalates and we have lockdown 2.0, I would not be surprised in the least to see violence in this nation. A lot of people have come to the realization COVID is hyped and being used by the government to seize more control.

Think about that, it means our government is beyond corrupt and has no interest in supporting its people.

We all know what that means.

I would say, America is headed for dark days, but my friends, we are already living them.

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