‘Herd Immunity Is Not A Possibility, Cannot Stop New Variants’: Oxford Prof

Fantastic news for you this morning!

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group said,

Herd immunity is not a possibility” as the Delta variant “still infects vaccinated individuals”.

The reason?

The COVID virus continues to spawn into new variants of the original virus.

When a vaccine is designed, it is based on one variant of a virus. Once that variant changes and becomes a new variant, all bets are off. That means the vaccine will not be effective, as it was not designed for that new variant.

That is why Professor Pollard said, “Herd immunity is not a possibility”.

Professor Pollard goes on to say,

I don’t think there is anything the UK can do to stop the emergence of new variants, they’re going to happen. I don’t think we have any facility to control them (variants).

This is cause for celebration, governments and institutions need to come to this realization and stop the lockdowns, stop the vaccine and mask mandates, right now!

It is not up for debate.

COVID mutates into various variants, everyone knows this.

That means, some COVID variant will always exist, and it will always mutate into another variant.

Listen to the interview with Professor Pollard yourself, and we will talk more after.

Herd Immunity Is Not A Possibility

Now the CDC has been telling us for over a year, with vaccination, we can reach herd immunity along with those who naturally get the virus. Two weeks ago, we calculated herd immunity at 88% using CDC data.

However, as we have explained, COVID is continually spawning new variants, as viruses typically do. So this is nothing new, the seasonal flu is constantly changing as well. That’s why the vaccine for the seasonal flu is always a guess.

That’s why we never become immune to seasonal flu, it’s always changing into a new variant.

Now even if COVID vaccines were safe and effective for everyone, they cannot stop the constant replication of variants.

Further, this means we will never, ever, be able to stop the COVID variants.

You should understand, the COVID vaccine does not offer “Sterilising Immunity. Hence why there are so many hospitalizations right now. Those who receive the vaccine may have suppressed symptoms for the original virus (they still carry and spread the virus variants), but the vaccine is not working for the variant.

It wasn’t designed too, it cannot be designed too.

You cannot fight a variant until you know the variant’s design, and you do not know the variant’s design until it has replicated and infected a host, by then, it’s too late. The virus will then mutate into another variant making a vaccine campaign impossible.

Stop The Vaccine Campaign!

I want to touch on something else Professor Pollard said,

I suspect what the virus will throw up next is a variant which is perhaps even better at transmitting in vaccinated populations. So that’s another reason why not to make a vaccine program around herd immunity.

A variant that works better in vaccinated individuals.

Why did Professor Pollard say that?

It tied right into what the inventor of the mRNA vaccine said. Dr. Malone explained, The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious.

When will our government start to “follow the science”?

I suppose about the time that we all demand they do.

Reach out to your elected officials and start educating them on these matters. If you want some change, then step up to the plate and be that change.

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