mRNA Inventor Worried About COVID Cases Among Vaccinated

In a social media post, scientific data was presented that indicates COVID is spiking in places where people are highly vaccinated. Here is the quote which had a chart attached to it from Our World In Data.

Something really odd is going on: In Europe we are seeing surges at many places where most of the population has already been vaccinated. At the same time, the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to face any problem. At some point, denying this problem will get painful.

The inventor of the mRNA vaccine replied to the thread and said,

this is worrying me quite a bit.


I did a little homework, and Dr. Robert W Malone is indeed, the inventor of mRNA vaccines. So this is quite the statement.

Even more interesting?

Days ago, Dr. Malone said,

OK, time for another one of these. My positions –

  • 1) bioethics require full risk disclosure and free choice. Neither of these are being met.
  • 2) For high risk populations, the risk/benefit ratio for the USA vaccines seem to make sense.
  • 3) We do not know all the risks yet.
  • 4) for pediatric and young adult populations, the data do not currently support adequate risk/benefit for USA vaccines. So stop.
  • 5) mandating vaccines is wrong
  • 6) censorship is wrong
  • 7) attacking others credibility as a way to win arguments is the refuge of the stupid
  • 8) Dr. @GVDBossche is completely correct as a virologist and vaccinologist in everything that I have read of his. Time will prove him right – I am confident in that. But IMO as a physician, the death and disability in the high risk populations still merits vaccination
  • 9) There is a concerted effort to suppress information and dissent in support of the nobel lie
  • 10) the noble lie is- a. we have to reach herd immunity for economic recovery and to minimize death and disability b. these genetic vaccines are the only path available to herd immunity c. these genetic vaccines are perfectly safe Each of these statements are demonstrably false.

Now that all comes from the good Doc who invented mRNA vaccinations to begin with.

Dr. Malone was interviewed by Fox News on June 23rd and said,

[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines,” Dr. Malone said, pointing to the fact the vaccines are not formally approved but instead being administered under Emergency Use Authorization.

Check out that article for more quotes which are inline with rational dialogue.

Now where is CNN and the rest of the mainstream media?

Why are they not covering this story?

They don’t mind covering the stories where Doctors and other health professionals scare us to death over not being vaccinated, but when it comes to presenting the whole story, they are no where to be found.

See these articles:

  • Doctor: “It’s Time To Start Mandating Vaccines”
  • Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not Be Allowed To Work, Have Access To Children
  • Doctor: It Needs To Be Hard For People To Remain Unvaccinated

Folks, the fact of the matter is it should always be your choice. For every piece of data and every Doctor who says vaccines are safe and effective. There are others who say the opposite or issue concern. Yet, we rarely if ever hear from them.

That’s called controlling the narrative.

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