NCAA Pulls Championships Out Of States That Ban Trans Athletes

Thank the Lord, more and more states are signing common sense laws concerning transgender athletes. In fact, 30 states are considering legislation that would ban transgender athletes. For the record, the idea is to ban males who pretend to be females from participating in women’s sports.

Apparently, the NCAA is pro-confusion. I mean pro-transgender.

In a press briefing, the NCAA said, they will pull championship games out of states that ban transgender athletes.

Let’s read it.

The NCAA Board of Governors firmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity for transgender student-athletes to compete in college sports. This commitment is grounded in our values of inclusion and fair competition.

No one is preventing a transgender man from competing in men’s sports. So they are “included” and this is “fair”. Instead, we seek to ban transgender men from competing in woman’s sports. Afterall, that is only “natural” and “fair”.

The NCAA goes on to say, they have an “inclusive path for transgender participation in college sports.”

Ah, let’s hear it…

Which requires testosterone suppression treatment for transgender women to compete in women’s sports — embraces the evolving science on this issue.

That is an act against nature itself. You see, males produce testosterone. In order to make yourself “less male,” you have to use artificial measures to reduce your testosterone. In the end, you are still male.

So the NCAA acknowledges that, but they ‘embrace the evolving science on this issue’.

Evolving science?

That is the problem with mainstream science. It changes to fit in with political ideologies. Rarely does it conform to natural order and common sense.

Who cares says the NCAA. Let freedom confusion ring!

When determining where championships are held, NCAA policy directs that only locations where hosts can commit to providing an environment that is safe, healthy and free of discrimination should be selected.

So there it is.

If you do not conform to transgender confusion, your state is banned from participating in NCAA championships.

Now isn’t that being non-inclusive?

You see, this is how it goes for globalists vermin. It is their way or the highway. There is no fairness, there is no inclusiveness. Those are just buzzwords they use to condition your mind to accept their agenda. They have done a marvelous job at confusing the masses.

Nevertheless, press your elected officials to do the right thing and ban confusion. Ban transgender men from participating in female sports. It’s the natural thing to do.

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