FDA Pauses J&J COVID Vaccine After More Blood Clots & Story

Woah, we have some ground to cover this morning! I have seen more headlines lately about people dying, getting sick, or forming blood clots from COVID vaccines, than COVID itself. Literally minutes ago, a reader informed me one of their family members had a stroke after taking the vaccine. Say a prayer, please.

Now concerning this Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine. CNBC tells us,

As of now, J&J said there’s “no clear causal relationship” between these rare events and the vaccine. The U.S. drug giant also said it’s working with regulators.

That is the same line we heard out of Europe concerning the AstraZeneca vaccine. Yet, numerous nations around the world put a halt to the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Days later, we found AstraZeneca lied about the effectiveness of their vaccine.

Then, I wake up this morning to my science newsletter. One of the headlines read, “Hard choices emerge as link between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare clotting disorder becomes clearer”.

Let me share the first paragraph with you.

What was a worrisome suspicion 4 weeks ago is now widely accepted: The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause a disorder characterized by dangerous blood clots and low platelet counts. In Europe, at least 222 suspected cases have been reported among 34 million people who have received their first dose of the vaccine. More than 30 have died.

That’s not a double whammy, that’s a triple whammy! I didn’t know there was such of a thing. This just goes to show you, when we start talking about COVID and vaccines. Anything is possible.

So now it’s Johnson & Johnson, where in rare cases you might croak from taking the vaccine.

Vaccine Deaths And Injuries

In light of this news, it’s time to take another look at the VAERS database.

You know, the information that comes right from the CDC that tells us how many people have died and been seriously injured by the COVID-19 vaccines.

Here’s the numbers:

Those are the facts right from the CDC.

Had those nearly 60,000 people not taken the vaccine, they would be alive and in perfect health today. Yet, they allowed themselves to be scared to death over COVID and succumbed to the pressure.

Folks, if you don’t grow a backbone and stand for your rights, you are ceding to evil.

Never be succumbed by evil plots and plans.

A Story

I want to share a story with you.

Yesterday, my son and I ran around town. We are visiting family in the Communist state of California. Specifically, Southern California, filled with so much smog you can cut it with a knife. We went to four different stores. Never wore a mask and we were the only ones not wearing masks.

Well, lunchtime rolls around, so we go to the In-N-Out Burger. We walk inside, order, and were asked by staff twice if we needed a mask. I almost laughed honestly.

Obviously, it was a ploy to pressure us into saying yes and wearing a mask.

I simply responded, “No”.

I think next time I might have to call someone on that.

Anyway, we got our food and ate out in the sunshine. My son would explain, “it’s pretty silly you need a mask to walk inside and then you can take it off to eat”. It wasn’t a revelation to him, but the reminder brought up the subject once again.

We laughed, but then felt a little sad for how stupid humanity has become.

We are all supposedly “risking our lives” for a burger and fries?

I mean if COVID-19 is really that deadly.

Do you think I would honestly be out among tons of strangers to eat a burger and fry?

You must be kidding.

I want to believe everyone else feels the same way. Yet, the people honestly think the mask protects them, and it’s “safe” to take it off to eat a burger.

There is a noun I have for people like this, but it’s not WEB safe.

By the way, a few days prior, my son, Jacob (12) and I went to another store. To be quite honest, as we walked to go into the store I turned back.

He said, “Why aren’t we going in?”

I said, “Did you see that huge sign?”

It was about as big as my son, “Masks Required! No mask, No service!”

He said, “No“.

Then he said to me, “Daddy, we never let a sign stop us before, and we aren’t going to now.”

I was so proud of his boldness, and the fact that he did not concern himself with what others think.

He was right.

So we went into the store, had some laughs, found what we needed, and went on our way.

Moral of the story.

No one ever said standing for what is right is easy. Yet, it needs to be done. It makes an influence on other people when you do that. Even my own son made an influence on me. This was possible since we have raised our children to be Godly and stand for what is right. If you cave all the time as a parent, you will teach that trait to your children.

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