The Next Generation, I Bet Mom’s Proud

When we think about times of crisis, we are always looking down the road. We think, the latest news event will lead to some future crisis. This means, we fail to acknowledge the troubles we already face. For some, the problems of today are simply not enough.

So today, I’m going to play into that a bit, only from a different angle.

Now some people think our biggest enemies are globalists who want to unite the world into a global order. Some think the Democrats or Republicans are our worst enemies, and I know there are many other scenarios.

However, what if I told you, our biggest enemies are…


You, me, the guy that past you in the grocery store, and the little children on the playground.

Scratching your head?


Watch this.

Here were some of the questions:

  • When Was the U.S. Founded?
  • Who Faught In The Civil War?
  • How Many Continents Are There?
  • How Many States Make Up The United States?
  • Who Is The Vice President?
  • What Is The Capital Of The United States?
  • How Many Eggs Are In One Dozen?
  • How Many Years In A Decade?
  • Who Was The President Before Trump?
  • What Country Is Mount Rushmore In?

Nearly everyone Justin interviewed could not answer these very basic questions.

Now, these are the same types of people who know they have a right to abortion. Who know climate change is a problem. Who know we shouldn’t have guns and cannot tell you what a woman is.

So on and so forth, you get the idea.

I imagine the first thought that entered your mind was,

“Man, those people are stupid!”

It would be quite natural to think that.

However, they are simply a product of the society we have created. The society that we have allowed by staying silent.

You see, when a Republican enters the Oval Office, we suddenly think all of our problems are gone. The world is magically a better place. That shows how foolish we are ourselves. This then pacifies us, and we meander through four years of life without any real changes to our world.

I mean, if we had a better country depending on who was in office, we wouldn’t have young people who basically don’t know anything at all.

These young folks are a product of our public education system. They are a product of social media that you just have to be a part of. My friends, we live in something called, “The Information Age”. Yet, people are void of information.

These young folks are a product of our public education system and the propaganda it instills into our children. These young folks are, a product of failed parenting. After all, it’s a parents duty to educate their own children.

You see, the worst problems we face today are not those the media tells you about.

The worst problem we face today, is the lack of education for the next generation. Those people you just saw blunder the most basic questions will be the leaders of tomorrow. They will be your education directors, the boss at work, and the leaders of the world. They are voters.

Now that is the biggest crisis we face, and unless we change it, our nation and world is doomed.

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