Red States, They’re Just Better

The mainstream media and doomers would love for us to believe, the only news is bad news. Hey, you make the world what you want it to be. If you are all doom, then hey, you will find all doom. Yet, there are some good things that happen on this ol rock we call earth.

We are going to talk about some of this good news that is coming from Red States. We have seen a tremendous push by Red States to restore some of the freedoms we lost during the last year. This is the result of outstanding Americans who continue to stand for God and Country. Thank you Father.

Texas, Arizona Governors Call on Peers to Send Resources for Border Surge

Remember that ol phrase, don’t mess with Texas?

Well, this Red State is stepping up to the plate to stop record illegal immigration we have into our nation. They advised the governors of other states to send their law enforcement who will have the legal authority to arrest illegals. Let’s pray they give them a swift boot shortly after.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey called on peers to provide assistance in the ongoing migration crisis. The governors called on counterparts to provide law enforcement assistance to help with securing the border and arresting migrants making illegal crossings.

“With your help, we can apprehend more of these perpetrators of state and federal crimes before they can cause problems in your state,” the two governors advised. “Texas and Arizona have stepped up to secure the border in the federal government’s absence, and now, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact gives your State a chance to stand strong with us.”


Texas is even talking about building its own wall. I hate wall ideas, all we need is paper ideas. Laws that do not reward illegal aliens, laws that send them back. If there is no reward, far less will come which makes the problem easier to deal with.

Missouri Tells The Federal Government To Take Their Gun Control And Shove It

Yeah baby!

Look, the more you folks speak out, the more reasonable government officials will listen to you. Not everyone is oblivious to the crimes that have been perpetrated against the American people this last year. Some of these boys are making things right.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) signed House Bill 85 on Saturday in order to defend the Second Amendment by allowing state gun laws to surpass federal gun laws and punishes police departments if an officer violates a state resident’s gun rights.

“It is our time to protect the second amendment,” Parson said, according to Fox 4. “This is exactly what this bill does and it’s time to get this thing signed and get it into law.”


I will say, it is odd that we have to pass a state law to reaffirm a right we are born with, our Bill of Rights.

Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill Banning Use Of Vaccine Passports In Texas

We need more Red States stepping up like the boys down in Texas. Regardless of your belief in vaccines, no one has a right to tell you what to put into your body. Texas gets that.

This will also ensure there is no segregation, places of business cannot force the “unvaccinated” in one area while the ”vaccinated” are in another.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed a measure on Monday banning the use of vaccine passports in the Lone Star State, joining other GOP-led states, such as Alabama and Florida, which have taken similar action.

“Texas is open 100 percent, and we want to make sure that you have the freedom to go where you want without limits,” Abbott said in a video posted Monday.


It is interesting how this might play into a US judges decision to uphold a vaccine mandate for hospital workers in Houston.

Red State, Blue State Observation

I have to add, during the last year, all during the pandemic we found ourselves in red and blue states. It was amazing to see the difference. Most of the time, it was like normal in red states, unless you were in major population centers. In blue states, no matter where you went, fear gripped the people.

It was easy to see why. You turn on the radio and they are scaring you about COVID. We are One Nation, yet, we are severely fractured, and it was proof, that we allow our governments and media to do our thinking for us. State boundaries are imaginary lines, what goes on within those lines alters our lives.

8th-Grade Girl Blasts Board for Transgender Policy: ‘Everyone Knows What a Boy Is – Even You’

This is an honorable mention and a fine example for all Christians. This 14-year-old girl went up before the whole school board and told them how it is. She filled them in on what she see’s in her daily life. Now former, as her parents did the right thing and pulled her from the school. Bravo to them and this brave girl!

Jolene Grover, an eighth-grader, attended the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) board meeting last week to oppose a proposed policy that would allow, for example, biological males who identify as female to use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, Fox News reports.

“Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy, and you weren’t going to allow boys into the girls’ locker rooms. But here you are doing just that,” Grover said.

“Everyone knows what a boy is – even you,” she told the board members. “Your proposed policies are dangerous and rooted in sexism. When woke kids ask me if I was a lesbian or a trans boy because I cut my hair short, it should tell you these modern identities are superficial.”

“Boys are reading erotica in the classroom next to girls,” she told board members, “and you want to give them access to girls’ locker rooms, and you want to force girls to call those boys’ she.’

“You do this in the name of inclusivity while ignoring the girls who will pay the price,” Grover said. “Your policies choose boys’ wants over girls’ needs.”

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