The State Of Our World As 2022 Comes To A Close

It’s a mess, but you already knew that!

Thankfully, COVID and the paranoia it wrought has nearly vanished from the globe. All except in the minds of looney libs. Even China canned their “COVID zero policy.” So let’s chalk this up as a big “W” for the people.

Unfortunately, Biden just signed that $1.7T dollar spending bill, and the illegals are still pouring into our nation. Count that as a big “L” for the people.

You won’t believe this, but Bibi is the PM of Israel, once again. That guy is like an epic flea infestation that never seems to go away. Get ready to hear more, “Iran will have a nuclear weapon in 3 minutes” banter.

Russia and Ukraine are still in a scuffer, you can thank your elected politicians for that. They pushed ol Biden’s spending bill forward with more pork for Ukraine. That means more blood and death, which comes from your tax dollars.

If you’re not too hip to that idea, you just might want to tell your Congressman, Senator, and Governor about it.

Ohh, speaking of Ukraine…

It turns out that BlackRock wants to rebuild Ukraine which is estimated to cost a measly $525 – 630 billion dollars. Actually, Ukraine expects it to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $750 billion, but what’s a few billion between friends?

So this is how wars works in the modern era.

  • Nation A funds the war against Nation B.
  • Nation A rebuilds Nation B.
  • Financial institutions and Big Gov win!

In case you haven’t quite downed your second cup of coffee just yet…

Nation A is the United States and Nation B is Ukraine.

Nation A is also “Expanding Cooperation On Cybersecurity” with Nation B.

We’re not done with BlackRock yet…

They just released their 2023 Global Outlook which tells us,

We’ve entered into a new world order. This is, in our view, the most fraught global environment since World War Two – a full break from the post-Cold War era. We see geopolitical cooperation and globalization evolving into a fragmented world with competing blocs. That comes at the cost of economic efficiency.”

Globalization has taken a massive turn, hasn’t it?

Even Red China said the United States is a “direct threat to the international order and the culprit of the regional turbulence.”

Who can argue with that?

Why even the lack luster JPost said, the “world order is on verge of cliff.”


Everyone realizes, the world is breaking in two. Two regions of power instead of one, or so it seems at this moment. The war in Ukraine is no doubt an effort to break the back of Mother Russia. I wouldn’t push Putin too hard, maybe he unleashes the ol Sarmat…

Putin did say,

“In the near future, Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles will be put on combat duty for the first time.”


I see that gloss in your eye,

“What’s the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile,” you ask?

It’s a missile capable of carrying nuclear bombs anywhere on the planet!

In fact, one Sarmat can carry “10 MIRVs with a blast yield of 750 kT each.”

Good times…

How good?

1 Sarmat = 10 bombs of 750 kilo tons each that can land in different places.

That gaze in your eyes shifts…

“What would that look like,” you wonder with dread?


Boy oh boy, just one of those 10 MIRVs could wipe out Biden, his cronies, and all the creepers in D.C.

Who wants to crowd fund this operation?

Putin just might sell us one…

While we wait to hear back from Comrade Putin, let’s see what we have next…

Ahh yes, the World Economic Forum.

These villains are still up to their dastardly global agenda. Of course, since the political elite of the world’s nations attend and fund the institution, your government is at the heart of the “dastardly global agenda.”

After all, that’s why the world’s governments, who fund the United Nations want $6 triiiillliioonnn dollars, a year, for a low-carbon economy. Ohh, don’t you forget about those “climate reparations!”

Biden loves you baby!

The WEF as it’s common known is still pushing, wait for it, the “Metaverse.”

Try not to chuckle.

Yes, the same Metaverse concept that saw sales of VR headsets decline in 2022. Apparently, people don’t like what Suckerberg, I mean Zuckerberg is selling. No wonder META’s (Facebook’s) stock is down 68% from the peak.


Regardless, the WEF in it’s attempts to remain relevant said back in May,

“The metaverse will influence the way, people, governments, companies and society at large think, work, interact and communicate for the purpose of collectively addressing issues on the global agenda.”

World Economic Forum

Sure Klausey.

He’s another would be dictator that wants to use technology to manipulate how you think.

Sounds like a nice guy, eh?

Ahh, but the prophets of doom don’t stop there! They think the recent record breaking COLD temperatures in the northeast are a part of climate change. So, they want to release particles into the atmosphere to block out sunlight according to MIT.

They’ve been at this for 20 years already.

So we see man, in his never ending conquest to alter his environment.

How we constantly forget that our planet has been changing since it was created. The best we can do is stop polluting it, but in order to do that, it would mean corporations need to stop selling us junk. It would mean our entire world and economy would need to change from one of consuming, to that of contentment.

Don’t expect that to happen anytime soon.

Instead, we’ll see more illegals cross our border, a lot of barking from politicians about nothing to gain your vote, and more wars. We’ll see more men sell out their countrymen so they can have a little slice of pie.

Yes, the economic chicanery has pushed the economy to the brink.

Once again…

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