What Will 2023 Bring Us?

We’re firing up my crystal ball once again, and my magic 8-ball.

Prepare thyself…

“What does the future hold?”

*** Shake shake shake ***

“Outlook not so good.”


The world’s outlook is never good these days. There’s always some doom lurking behind the corner or doom waiting to pop up and getcha! Luckily, doom didn’t get you or me last year, we’re still alive and kicking, aren’t we?

So remember that as you consider 2023…

This year will be whatever you want out of life. If all you want is doom and gloom, then that’s all you’ll see. Be warned, it’ll drag you and your family down the tubes. However, if you filter out all that doom and focus on the Light, then you’re going to have a fantastic 2023!

All right, that’s my positive guy moment, now what about the world we call home?

So last year, I published an article titled, “What Will 2022 Bring Us?

I opened that puppy saying, “expect, the unexpected” in 2022…

We sure got that, didn’t we?

Russia invaded Ukraine, I mean, they launched a “military operation,” and the world went crazy, again. At this point, it seems pretty obvious, Western governments are going for Russia’s jugular. I imagine, to the big shots, nothing would be better than to break Mother Russia in pieces.

That way, the corporate bigwigs could move in and set up new companies to mine away Russia’s precious resources. You know, sort of like they did with Ukraine, which used to be a part of Russia. For all intents and purposes, Ukraine has been integrated into Western civ.

Hey, even Henry Kissinger is warning of this,

The dissolution of Russia or destroying its ability for strategic policy could turn its territory encompassing 11 time zones into a contested vacuum.”

However, even Kissinger thinks Russia needs a staring role on the international stage.

“The goal of a peace process would be twofold: to confirm the freedom of Ukraine and to define a new international structure, especially for Central and Eastern Europe. Eventually Russia should find a place in such an order.”

Did you catch that though, “a new international structure?”

Ah ha!

Just like I discussed in “Daniel’s Vision.” It’s not like I came up with the idea, it’s all right there in the Good Book.

Of course, the structure Kissinger is talking about is the global order that was established back in the 1940s, we talked about it in “The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World.” As this “liberal world order” becomes more liberal and Western, the rest of the world is backing away.

Putin has railed against it for years, and the rest of the world continually mocks it. Essentially, back in the 1940s Western civilization set up a global order that made them king for their own benefit. It worked for a time, but it’s far outdated.

You may not think of India as a major power, but they continue to rise. They presently have 1.4B people and boast the fifth-largest economy in the world. By 2030, they are expected to be number 3. This is what India’s Foreign Minister said the other day.

“Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but the world’s problems are not Europe’s.”

So true, and the fact that a head of state just said that, clearly shows how fed up they are with the Western world order. He went on to say, the “world order which is still very, very deeply Western” needs to be replaced by a world of “multi-alignment” countries that choose their own “policies and preferences and interests.”

Nationalism anyone?

In our nation, we continually see it tearing apart at the seams. The radical left does it job, and the right does its job by sitting idle far too often. Hey, wickedness is allowed to prosper when good men do nothing.

So it truly looks like the present world order is in for a reset. The libs are not really going to get what they want, it’s going to be a great compromise. No, I’m not telling you 2023 will usher in any massive change like this, but it’s in the works.

Everyone sees it.

No change to the international structure would be complete without a new monetary structure. That brings us to the economic calamity that is already in the works.

In fact, look at these horrific numbers for U.S. markets in 2022.

  • The Dow fell 8.8%
  • The S&P 500 tanked 19.4%
  • The Nasdaq collapsed 33.1%

Get this…

It was Wall Street’s worst year since… 2008.

It’s hard to imagine that was 15 years ago, it seems like only yesterday. Nevertheless, in order to fix that financial fiasco, the not so Federal Reserve printed and printed their way out of the mess. Sort of like 2019, and then of course 2020 to save us from the pandemic.

Essentially, all of those band-aids created this new economic crisis we are faced with. Remember my “3 Points Of Economic Pain?”

We crossed off pain point #1 last year.

The Fed’s solidly on #2, which either leads us into yet another financial doom and gloom cycle…


The global economy spirals out of control and instead of the typical cycle, it helps to usher in a new financial order.

Queue the doom music…

Dun dun daaaa!

Look at these recent headlines.

Everyone keeps talking about a recession in 2023. Mid-way through 2022, we officially entered a recession, though no one wanted to talk about it. Instead, they saved financial doom for this year.

Lucky you, eh?

One thing is certain in my mind, a recession has nothing to do with “eroding consumer wealth” and everything to do with the pre and pandemic-era monetary politics. I mean come on, you cannot print trillions of dollars and give them to people and expect no negative repercussions.

These policies and the lockdowns of 2020 radically altered our world. These days, no one wants to work and those that do, aren’t giving it their all anymore. Then, in many states, you get paid more to be on welfare than work.

Even worse, millennials are not becoming more conservative as they age. Typically as folks age, they become more conservative and Christian. Unfortunately, our education centers have been destroyed and Christianity is only a shell of its former self.

That’s not the American spirit, and without that spirit, our country will continue to slip up.

So when you factor that in with our rapidly declining economy, it really makes you think the future is not so rosy. Ohh, before I check out, if there are just two things to watch out for in 2023, it’s…

  • The war in Ukraine
  • The economy

Those two things will be a major focal point this year, and they will dictate some of the changes that we have and will continue to see.

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