U.S. Imports Beef While American Ranchers Prepare To Euthanize Cattle

Hey, just whose side is our Government on here? Why are we importing cattle from the country of Namibia who has great dealings with China when we have livestock ready for harvest in our own nation?

Do not play politics with me here, this is a Republican-led Government. So you Republicans, reach out to your representatives here. You and I both know if the Democrats were in charge it would be the same story. You cannot support someone who does not stand for you or your countrymen.

You are being betrayed.

Listen to this American Rancher tell it like it is.

The video bellow provided via Twitter now says unavailable… Here is another source YouTube.

In the video Rancher Shad Sullivan explains crops are being plowed under, and they are.

U.S. farmers are not doing this because they want to, no one is buying their food. There is no where for it to go, yet we all saw scarce products in the stores.

So our Government can enable and allow the bailout of financial institutions, and corporations, but they cannot help our farmers and ranchers?

You know what America?

Our Ranchers and Farmers do not need government help here. They need the Government to open the country back up! If this were any other time in American history the people would not allow this, they would…

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