45% Of Americans Say U.S. Should Be A Christian Nation

This one really surprised me!

According to Pew Research, 45% of U.S. adults believe our country should be a Christian nation. Not 45% of Christians, but 45% of the entire adult population! Pew didn’t have any historical figures for us to reference, but they did provide us a few graphics we will look at.

Did you catch the first statistic there?

60% believe our founding fathers intended for America to be a Christian nation.

Personally, I think that’s amazing. 60% still believe that, all despite our daily dose of brainwashing that tells us this nation was never meant to be Christian. That our founders were not Christian, or that there are no references to God in our founding documents.

Those are all lies.

I mean, have we all forgotten this line from our Declaration of Independence?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Who do you think the Creator is?

I’ll give you just one guess.

Jehovah, God, our Heavenly Father.

62% Of Christians: U.S. Should Be A Christian Nation

All right, now let’s look at another graphic.

When just Christians are asked,

62% say, the U.S. should be a Christian nation.

However, when you start asking non-Christians the numbers fall to just 16%. Just 16% of Jews believe America should be a Christian nation. Hey, what about those Judeo-Christian values?

It would have been interesting to see other religions in here. You can bet, they wouldn’t have supported the notion that we should be a Christian nation.

Of course, right?

They would want their principals and ideas before Christian ones.

That’s why multiculturalism was always doomed to fail.

While a little immigration is okay, merging cultures together is not. There can only be one culture, American culture, period, end of story.

What Is A Christian Nation?

So, when people say, “Christian nation,” what exactly do they mean?

Some respondents that said the United States should be a Christian nation, define that to mean, a nation whose laws are based on Christian principals, and a nation whose leaders are Christian.


I think most Christians would have no issue with that. As long as our leaders are really Christian, and not pretenders.


It is much more common for people in this category to see a Christian nation as one where people are more broadly guided by Christian values or a belief in God, even if its laws are not explicitly Christian and its leaders can have a variety of faiths or no faith at all.


Then there are others.

Some people who say the U.S. should be a Christian nation are thinking about the religious makeup of the population; to them, a Christian nation is a country where most people are Christians.

Others are simply envisioning a place where people treat each other well and have good morals.

Ideally, a Christian nation would be led by Godly men.

We were told that long ago.

2 Samuel 23:3
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.

God defined for us, the meaning of a Christian nation. We should serve Him, and our national laws should be based on His Laws. Then, the leaders elected to uphold those laws should be Christian themselves. They should rule with respect and love for God.

That would define a Christian nation.

Regardless, and never forgot, God appoints our leaders.

Our Father typically gives the people exactly what they deserve.

The Republican Party Best Represents God

According to Pew, the Republican party is the party that best represents Christian ideals.

Take a look.

That perfectly aligns with what we covered in “Belief In God Dips To Another Record Low.”

The Democrat party has become the party that promotes and embraces sin. The Republican party is certainly not a Saint, they have plenty of their own issues, and they manipulate Christians for their vote.

However, all things being equal, you can expect a slightly better nation with Republicans in charge. I think that statement proves itself, especially during the last few years.

So when you go out to vote on November 8th, always ensure you vote with God in mind. Ensure those you are voting for love God, and that they have represented His values within their voting record. Ensure they support Christian causes.

Any candidate that supports anti-God groups and organizations does not deserve the Christian vote.

In the meantime, we can celebrate that a fair share of Americans still believe, this should be a Christian nation.

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