Apple China Is Censoring LGBTQ Apps + Nickelodeon Ratings Crash

This ties right into what we were saying recently. These companies are only promoting the homosexual ideology as it seems to be the popular thing to do these days… At least in America and Europe that is. In China, while homosexuality is acceptable, there are no “equal rights”.

Check out this quote from Protocol,

Benjamin Ismail, GreatFire’s campaign and advocacy director and Apple Censorship project coordinator, told Protocol that even though China is known for widespread and pervasive censorship, it’s surprising that the country bans more LGBTQ+-related apps on the App Store than countries that criminalize homosexuality.

Even though China does not seem to mind homosexuality, they ban some LGBT apps anyway. As a side note, China bans all porn! It seems as if heathen nations stand more for what is right than our own supposed Christian nations.

So if Apple was so concerned with LGBT rights, why don’t they pull the App Store from China?

That would cut into profits my friends.

In the end, the ol saying applies, “Money talks, bull… walks”.

On another note…

Nickelodeon Ratings Crash Amid LGBTQ Push

According to a website that discusses all things Disney…

Since July of 2017, Nickelodeon’s viewership has dropped from 1.3 million average viewers per week to a June of 2021 average of only 372,000. In only four years, Nickelodeon has dropped more than two thirds of its audience. That is catastrophically bad for the cable channel, but with cable on the way out, maybe it’s not so bad? The catch here is that it is, in fact, that bad and perhaps worse, simply because Nickelodeon seems to be the primary driving force behind new subscribers to Paramount+.

This clearly indicates, Americans have had enough with their children being subjugated to homosexual propaganda. Nickelodeon continues to pump out homosexual content to an audience that is clearly not responding to it.

Keep voting with your dollars my friends, it’s the only way to win.

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