Bud And Target Go Down In Flames For Pride

If you didn’t know any better, you would swear the entire world is perverted and without any sense of morality. Mutilating children whether inside or outside of the womb is now a-okay if you listen to the hype.

Society calls this being “woke.”


Hey, everywhere we look, perversion and filth are thrown in our faces. Homosexuality is rampant. Abortion is the norm. Racism is common if you listen to the government, media, and mega-corps.

In fact, it seems as if we are the only normal ones who still cling to some semblance of God.

However, we are beginning to see this is all a rainbow-colored facade. Our reality has been altered by a select few to make us believe homosexuality is okay, abortion is a woman’s right, and whites are the devil.

Whether we turn on the TV, or social media, pick up a magazine, or listen to our government, the facade is painted. The facade is placed into our minds as we live within their matrix of lies.

Yet, when we step out of it, we can begin to see the true state of society.

What am I really getting at?

The Bud Light fiasco and now Target.

Since Bud Light entered into a “partnership” with a transgender man, sales for the basement beer have fallen nearly 30%! Hey, when companies hook up with a celebrity, the idea is to gain notoriety and more sales, not have sales tank.

Ohh, let me paint the picture for you.

So what the heck was Bud Light thinking?

Apparently, they were blinded by the rainbow-colored facade they helped craft.

They actually thought most people that buy their product are okay with homosexuality. They thought they were okay with it enough to still purchase it. Perhaps they even thought more people would purchase their bargain brew.

Boy, how wrong they were.

In fact, since April 1st, Anheuser-Busch which is the parent owner of Bud Light has lost nearly $16 billion in market cap, seeing their stock price tank by 14.5%.

Heads should roll!

Then we have Target, they thought (and/or wanted) homosexuality to be so popular, they put up huge Pride displays in their stores. Featuring “tuck-friendly” bathing suits. As in, a woman’s bathing suit to be worn by a man which helps to conceal…

His manhood.

Insane, I know!

Now this just recently kicked off, but Target has already lost $9 billion dollars in market cap. Their stock price declined by 14% in days. The carnage is so bad, the Target CEO pulled the plug and ordered all Pride displays to be downsized and moved to the back of the store.

How could two CEOs get it so wrong?

They pushed the envelope too far.

It’s one thing to spout bull about homosexuality, abortion, and racism. It’s quite another to place this propaganda right in the stores, right in our faces and expect us to buy it with our hard-earned money.

That’s something different altogether.

That’s not just asking us to accept their worldview, it’s asking us to buy it.

Most people are not having that.

Most people want no part of it.

Now it’s true, many people, perhaps most people do not care if someone is homosexual. That’s their business, it’s their life. The big difference here comes when you want us to accept your mental illness. That’s the problem my friends, and we’ve had enough of it.

So how brainwashed has society become by the rainbow-colored facade?

This much…

As a nation, we believe nearly 24% of the population is gay.

The reality, historically around 1-2% of the population is gay. Yet, the homosexual mafia has created so many sub-groups, these numbers keep inflating.

Take for example this Gallup Poll

Gallup’s latest update on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identification finds 5.6% of U.S. adults identifying as LGBT.

Let’s break this down, according to the same poll,

Rebasing these percentages to represent their share of the U.S. adult population finds 3.1% of Americans identifying as bisexual, 1.4% as gay, 0.7% as lesbian and 0.6% as transgender.

See my article: 5.6% Of Americans Identify As LGBT Ahead Of Equality Act Vote: Gallup

According to this poll, around 2.7% of the population is actually “gay.” Bisexual is simply a disturbing fad some go through and it’s calculated to skew the statistics. No matter your opinion here, even 5.6% of the population is a far cry from the 24% we all assumed.

We assumed 24% of the population was gay thanks to the government, media, and social media. They’re the ones who painted the rainbow facade in our minds.

Yet, most of society is only willing to go so far.

Society will let you spill your perverted nonsense, but we will not purchase it.

Now, my friends, I would ask that each and every one of you do not treat the Bud Light and Target fiasco as a “boycott.” A boycott assumes once the offending brand does a 180, we all go back to purchasing their goods.

To heck with that!

It’s quite clear, if these brands do a 180, it’s only to protect their own skin. They had no problem destroying our ideals for a tiny immoral minority. Therefore, never ever purchase their products again.

There’s no need to, we have many other brands to choose from. There is only one way to bleed our enemies, to cut off their income which feeds their propaganda. Without their revenue source, they will cease to spew propaganda to the masses.

You just learned this lesson in real-time with Bud Light and Target.

Continue the resistance!

P.S. Just in case you think Anheuser-Busch has learned its lesson, they haven’t.

They’re not alone either.

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