A Veil Has Covered The Truth

These days, each new day brings more trouble for the world.

Another day, another mess.

More lies, more war, more death.

In that order I might add.

The media stopped reporting facts long ago. This was exacerbated during the pandemic. The lies became truth and the truth became lies. Our politicians and political pundits followed suit. They spewed and continue to spew lies to support whatever narrative is peddled as truth.

Whatever narrative is popular, never wanting to rock the boat. Today, the masses are being brainwashed by those at the top to keep their lies moving forward. This ensures their rule, power, and authority go unchallenged.

The media fabricates truth, designing reports to prey on our hearts. Only the convenient details are ever uttered. This ensures control of whatever narrative rules the hour. Never forget, he who owns the media, controls the narrative.

The Lies

Our leaders speak with a forked tongue, Biden’s State of the Union address was a perfect example of that. In fact, COVID suddenly went away with the arrival of the war in Ukraine. It was difficult to spot any of our politicians wearing a face mask during that speech.

Suddenly, masks are not required.

Lyin’ Biden

During Biden’s address, he boasted his administration had the best job creation numbers in history. Conveniently leaving out the fact COVID brought the worst job loses in history. So naturally, someone was going to reap the benefit when it ended.

  • Biden suddenly became pro-law enforcement! Stating, we need to fund the police.
  • Biden suddenly became pro-border! Stating, we need to invest in better border control measures.
  • Biden said, only gun manufacturers have immunity, quickly forgetting the vaccine manufacturers do as well.

Lies, lies and more lies!

I don’t know what was more sickening, Biden’s lies, the applause, or this sight.

The Trio

Hannity Deceives

Oh, but it’s not just the looney left who peddles lies and formulates devious devices.

Why just yesterday it was conservative talk show host Sean Hannity. While speaking about the 40-mile long Russian convoy headed toward Kyiv, Hannity said,

NATO might take some of their fighter jets or maybe they could use some drone strikes and then take out the whole damn convey. Then no one takes credit for it, and Putin won’t know who to hit.

Sure Sean, let’s go start a war with Russia, cause Putin is that stupid not to know who dun it.

This shows you how honest these people are.

Liars and deceivers they are.

Folks, you think about this and let it settle in real good. War sucks, we all get that.


  • Why did the world not care in 2014 when Russia and Ukraine had a skirmish?
  • Why did the world not care when Russia and Georgia had conflict?
  • Why did the world not care when Russia annexed Cremia?

You weren’t told to care, that’s why.


Conflict, death, and ruin are all over the globe every day! It’s horrible. Yet, the radical globalists only focus and direct your attention to the conflicts that matter to them. They don’t care about the people in Africa, the Middle East, Ukraine, or even you for that matter.

They care about money and power.

If that were not true, all crises should be important to us, but they aren’t, are they?

So let’s not pretend as if Russia and Ukraine are the only conflicts in the world. There are many, many others. You are simply not told to care about them.

Trump Flops

Just days ago, former President Trump said, ‘Putin’s smart, he took over a whole country for $2 bucks worth of sanctions’. The importance was, the amount of land and people Putin obtained.

There was no care or concern for the loss of life. Only wealth and power.

Yet, just a few days later, the tune changes, now he says,

The growing Russia-Ukraine situation is a “holocaust”. “This is a horrible thing that is happening. You are witnessing it, seeing it every night.”



That word was thrown around yesterday by Ukraine’s President as well. Zelensky deceitfully used it to spur more support from the West. Oh, he is not acting alone.

Now, some of you are probably conflicted by this.

Yet, deceivers have always roamed among us. I am reminded of the moldy bread boys who suckered Joshua and the Israelites into a peace agreement, (Joshua 9). Hey, people prove who they are by their works.

Some of us may never figure that out. Words are simply too sweet for us to resist.

The War

Before the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, we explained what the conflict was about. This Is What Russia Really Wants. That is the heart of the matter. The United States blatantly refused to address Russia’s concerns over NATO.

The US knew it was a red-line for Russia, but the US refused to negotiate the matter. Perhaps, that was even the desire, in order to push Putin to attack Ukraine. After all, the US has been funding, and (CIA) training the Ukrainian government for years, we call this, war by proxy.

Just look at the distractions it has caused…

Suddenly, COVID is over without anyone really taking notice. Amid high infection and death rates. Blue states are dropping mask and vaccine mandates, and masks were hardly noticeable during the State of the Union address.

We no longer care about inflation, for the moment, as we are too busy focusing on what the globalists want us to focus on.

Ahh, we fall for it every time!

I must say, Pat Buchanan wrote a fantastic short bit on this unfolding saga. Please take a moment to read it. Buchanan reminds us, while Biden continually tells us the US will not become militarily involved in Ukraine…

Biden has still not removed the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO.

Putin will never back off until the West stops recruiting Russia’s neighbors. By the way, Georgia just applied for European Union membership, so expect more troubles.

The Death

Death and the fear of death have become a tool to promote the agenda of globalists. For two years we have been told,

  • If you do not get vaccinated, you are going to die.
  • If you do not get vaccinated, you are putting your loved ones at risk.

What was to be the killer?

SARS-COVID-2 which causes COVID-19.

Your rate of survival from such infection is a grim 99.9%.

Amazingly enough, more data continues to pour out that tells us, the rushed vaccines have proven to be ineffective, even dangerous, and deadly. The CDC now admits this, which Biden left out of his speech the other night. In fact, natural immunity is superior to the vaccine, the CDC now explains.

What was once a lie, has now become the truth according to the experts, how convenient.

This is why, we never promote vaccination. We never have and we never will. Medicine can be good, but God also provided us with an immune system to fight off infections. In the end, vaccines have been the tool to obtain more control through fear and death.

Yet, war and viruses are not the only things that bring us death.

The world continually tells us, climate change is going to kill us all. Yet, these many lies are continually brought to light, but the truth is quickly covered in a veil of darkness. Those who deny the climate change propaganda are considered, the enemies of society.

Do you my Christian friends understand where we are?

My Lord in Heaven, the lies never cease. The lies never back down, and nearly the whole world has boughten into the lies. The fear of death has radically changed our world. Death, which has always been, and always will be, until the return of Jesus Christ.

As the days continue on, you should understand, no one is coming to save us.

Only Jesus Christ, someday.

The world is going to continue to peddle its lies, lies which come from the father of them all, the Devil, (John 8:44). You can expect next to zero truth from the media and your government. You can expect to be conflicted, as the world will quickly lead you astray while making you feel good about it.

I warned you of this several days ago, and those conflicting thoughts will certainly progress as the media and governments feed you more. We live in dark dividing days, the days Jesus warned us of long ago, (Matthew 10:35).

Will you endure?

Will you overcome the lies or will the lies overcome you?

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