Are We On The Brink Of World War 3?

You cannot help but wonder if the world is tittering on the brink of world war 3.

The war in Ukraine is not abating, but escalating with all sides continuing to raise the stakes. At this point, we’ve all become numb to the conflict, but what’s transpiring was once unimaginable.

NATO is in a soft war with Russia.

Now, if this war was solely between Ukraine and Russia, it wouldn’t be as bad, but this conflict is being fueled by NATO. Untold tens of thousands are being killed on both sides of the conflict. NATO is enabling this through its continued support.

So much so, reports have surfaced for months that NATO’s European partners are running dangerously low on ammunition.

Can you even begin to grasp that?

The World Runs Out Of Ammo

World powers have given so much ammunition to Ukraine, that they do not have enough for themselves should they enter a conflict of their own. Think about all of the people that have died, that we are not hearing about, and not seeing on our television.

Don’t you find that odd?

It’s 2023, the era of instant communication, and dead bodies are not filling the television set from war.

Do you know why?

Public sentiment would shift dramatically concerning the war.

A changing public sentiment would mean, that I would have never seen that “F🇺🇦k Putin” bumper sticker on a car the other day.

Unfortunately, most people have no clue what is going on, they’re just getting sucked into propaganda, the same goes for Russian citizens. This war and backing it will do nothing for you and me. It only means, we will pay more in taxes to pay for the bombs that are killing others.

Ahh, but I digress, let me get back to the ammo shortage.

The ammo shortage has become so bad, even the United States is running low. That admission comes straight from the President of the once United States.

and here

Can you believe it?

The President of the United States is running around telling the world,

“Hey, we’re outta ammo!”

It’s unbelievable, but then again, it is 2023.

What else did we expect?

So now the U.S. will send cluster bombs to Ukraine. Mind you, the munitions are banned by 120 nations around the world. The issue with them, they don’t always go kablooey in battle. Later, much later they go kablooey when children are playing near the unnoticed bomb, or someone is walking their dog for example.

It’s a travesty,

But hey, we’re outta ammo.

Ahh, but we found some cluster bombs, so let’s use those” says the U.S. government.

By the way, just a couple of years ago, the White House said if Russia used cluster bombs, that would be considered a war crime.

But that was then, this is now, and that rationale no longer applies.

You see how the story changes depending on who is telling the tale and who needs what?

That’s how you know these people are not Godly, they only care about numero uno.

In fact, the U.S. just gave Ukraine another $800 million in military hardware. According to the Department of Defense, the U.S. has pledged more than $41 billion to Ukraine. It’s an absurd number that includes tanks and F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots.

Color Revolutions

Meanwhile in Russia, we witnessed an attempted coup by Russian military contractor Wagner. Of course, Biden said we had nothing to do with it.

Does anyone believe him?

I certainly don’t.

Right on the heels of that event, China’s President Xi said,

“We should prevent external forces from instigating a colour revolution,”

Apparently, Xi thinks Biden had something to do with the Russian coup attempt as well.

So we continue to see escalation after escalation, but we’ve only scratched the surface…


In recent months, Russia has moved battlefield nuclear weapons into neighboring Belarus. These nuclear weapons are not defensive, but offensive. No one wants to hear about nuclear weapons being used in this war, but that talk has gone on for a year now.

In fact, Russia has warned there are real risks of a nuclear war.

Ukraine And NATO Membership

For months, we’ve heard about a supposed Ukrainian counter-offensive. It was supposed to take the war to Russia, but it fell flat. I always knew that was just propaganda. If it wasn’t for NATO, Ukraine would have been defeated last year.

This prolonged conflict continues to bring uncertainty to our world…

Ukraine is pressing harder than ever to join NATO.

In fact, NATO has said, “Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance.” There’s even a NATO summit taking place today, and the short comic in high heels, better known as Zelensky will be in attendance, pushing to join the military bloc.

However, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has said,

To become a member in the midst of a war is not on the agenda. The issue is what happens when the war ends.”

So while the global conflict continues to intensify, don’t expect to see Ukraine officially join NATO until after the war.

However, what about unofficially?

Weeks ago, a NATO-Ukraine Defense Council was established, which is pretty much a NATO-light membership for Ukraine. It’s almost as if NATO membership is just a name on paper. After all, Ukraine has reaped tens of billions in military hardware from NATO members.

Even more interesting, it recently leaked that secret peace talks between the United States and Russia have taken place. Apparently, by former U.S. officials, though the Biden administration is supposedly not tied to them.

Yeah right.

At this point, it’s tough to see any form of peace without Russia owning Ukraine. It seems certain, if there is peace, Ukraine will become a full fledged member of NATO which means Russia can never touch it, otherwise, Article 5 of NATO becomes a reality.

.“ armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all


If you think the war is bad now, imagine that!

It’s highly unlikely that Russia would agree to any peace deal.

Could they even trust the West?

I don’t think so, and I don’t think that’s even on the table. Instead, NATO has proven they seek the demise of the Russian state, and Russia knows this very well.

But, world war does not just concern Russia and NATO, though that’s plenty…

It also concerns China.

China Off To Cuba

Just weeks ago, China announced they plan to build a new military training base… in Cuba.

If this is not a major escalation and threat to the United States, then I don’t know what is. It seems like I recall another nation, perhaps Russia being stationed in Cuba long ago, and that led to the fear of nuclear war as well.

Millions For Taiwan

In another effort to stir the pot, the United States just approved a $440 million dollar military package for Taiwan.

And you wonder why there’s inflation?

More Tensions

As we can see, tensions continue to heat up between the major powers of the world with no clear sign of retreat. For there to be a pullback, someone’s going to have to admit they made a mistake.

For the United States to stop helping Ukraine would mean, we wasted tens of billions of dollars, again, after the Afghanistan debacle. There’s no sign of that happening, we only hear of continued and never-ending support for Ukraine.

So we continue to see a globalized world come unglued at the seams. China continues to sell U.S. Treasuries at a pace not seen in years. This undermines the U.S Dollar. Meanwhile, the SCO just adopted the New Delhi Declaration which is all about fighting terror.

It’s more coordination between the East against the West.

Speaking of terrorism, it was recently revealed (again) the United States has military options, with respect to the Iranian nuclear threat.

War, war, war, and more war are on the table right now.

There’s no peace, and this war is among the major world powers. All at a time when the world is still trying to recover from the moral, health, and financial damage wrought by governments over the pandemic.

The war will no doubt continue, perhaps escalate, and bring us to the very doors of world war 3.

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