Biden: America Will Lead The New World Order

That famous phrase, “new world order” was just used again. This time, by sitting U.S. President Joe Biden. Yesterday, Biden made the statement before a Business Roundtable.

So what is the new world order?

We are going to talk about that, but first, let’s listen to the clip.

Biden: New World Order


We’re at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy, not just the world economy, the world, that occurs every three or four generations. A general told me that 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946 and since then we’ve established a liberal world order, and it hasn’t happened in a long while.”

“A lot of people died, but nowhere near the chaos.”

“Now is the time when things are shifting and there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. We’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

How about that?

“We’re at an inflection point”.

You can say that again.

The world has been immersed in chaos for two years now, with no signs of letting up.

Now what’s this new world order business?

If today we have a “liberal world order,” tomorrow we will have an ultra liberal world order.

Biden’s statement and his usage of the phrase really identify where our world is headed. Just look at the last two years. Tyranny has been unleashed around the globe in the form of COVID-19 lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates.

The entire world acted in unison during that crisis. As COVID-19 was unfolding, racial-inspired riots took hold in our nation, which altered most of the westernized world. Suddenly, it became okay to ban and censor speech that did not align with the “liberal world order”.

Vaccine passports suddenly became a thing in some nations. We have global IDs being used on the world stage to conduct business, and much discussion about central bank digital currency to eventually replace your cash.

Not to be left out, transgenderism and homosexuality became mainstream and openly accepted, while Jesus Christ was kicked to the curb.

Those are all aspects of the liberal world order that was established back in the 1940s. The current world order of today has matured to a point where it needs to graduate to the next phase. That is what Biden was talking about.

The New World Order Of The 1940s

When we hear this term, “new world order” its imperative that we understand what it is and what it is not. The new world order is not the boogie man. The new world order identifies a global agreement as to how the nations and their structures will work together, globally.

Here is a prime example.

Back in December of 2001, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown who was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time said,

In the 1940s, after the greatest of wars, visionaries in America and elsewhere looked ahead to a new world and – in their day and for their times – built a new world order“.

Did you notice that?

Gordon Brown called the world order of the 1940s the new world order of its day. That’s exactly what it was. The new world order of the 1940s included the establishment of global organizations like,

  • World Bank
  • United Nations
  • World Health Organization
  • International Monetary Fund
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Apart of that new world order was the establishment of a new economic order called the “Bretton Woods Agreement”. During that era, the world came together out of chaotic times to establish new internationally recognized principles, institutions, and standards.

That world order still exists to this very day, only it has changed and evolved with time.

The New World Order Of The Future

So when you hear world leaders like Biden call for a “new world order,” he is talking about a new era of “internationally recognized principles, institutions, and standards”. Biden called for a new world order back in 2014.

From the past, other world leaders also called for a new world order.

Don’t leave our President George Bush Sr.

Today, we are witnessing the world fight for power over the coming new world order.

We are seeing the world fight to decide who will lead the new world order of our time. That is exactly what Joe Biden said, “we’ve got to lead” this “new world order”.

That is why, no matter what President obtains power, they will never leave the current global order. You need the current order to establish the next order. You need organizations like the United Nations and NATO though they will evolve and change with time.

This is why we are seeing such a rift in our world today. The next phase of globalization is breaking forward. In fact, this is why we have the conflict in Ukraine. It’s a battle for the new world order.

Senator of the Russian Federation Alexey Pushkov recently said,

America’s political and financial elitebelieve that they are the only ones who can run the world,” and do not intend to let anyone else take the helms. “So, until a new world order is established in which the US is weaker and its role is diminished, we will be in more or less acute political conflict with them.”

Do you see?

Everyone wants a new world order.

The only problem is, who will lead this world order, and what will it look like?

So when you hear the phrase “new world order,” do not translate that into your mind as “death camp”. That is not the definition of new world order and will only lead you to confusion.

Instead, the new world order is about establishing new “internationally recognized principles, institutions, and standards”. Two years ago, I laid all of this out for you in The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World, from the old world order to the new.

So don’t rush the new world order.

Instead, ensure you understand what it is, and what it is not.

As the days move on, we will see more global coordination. This is also why you are hearing more about global IDs, and central bank digital currencies. The entire world is moving in this direction. Understand that, but do not get sidetracked and confused.

I am not telling you the new world order is a good thing for you. It’s not. It will eventually erase the sovereign state as we know it and lead to more global law than already exists today. Eventually, this will be very unhealthy for Christians.

However, it’s going to take time to come together and reach that point.

Once it does, then know the Tribulation is at the door.

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