Without Law, They Pillaged Their Way To $112 Billion

Inflation, debt, poverty, drugs, corruption, entitlement, Godlessness…

These are just some of the words that describe the state of our world.

A world that becomes more of a hellhole with each passing day.

Pardon my french, but what else do you call it?

My friends, the headlines this week were filled with crime. Crimes that were committed by a new generation of people who feel entitled to what they did not earn. Instead of getting a job and earning money to purchase new clothes, they just stole them.

It’s a sick and disgusting world.

Is the world unfair?

You betcha!

However, that never gives anyone the right to take from someone else.

The other day in Philadelphia, 100 punks decided to steal and take that which they did not earn. They felt entitled, and they coordinated the entire thing on social media beforehand.

They broke windows.

Slammed through doors and pillaged.

Look at this…

“Everybody must eat?”

Honey, it doesn’t look like you ever skipped a meal.

That’s the problem with Americans these days. We’re blessed and we don’t even realize it. If you have three square meals on your table every day, you are beyond blessed. Yet, few think about that, they only think about what they don’t have.

I think James said it best…

James 4:2
Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

Yep, that explains America today.

We don’t ask God for anything anymore, and we don’t give Him the time of day.

As a nation that is.

So, we loot and pillage some more.

According to AOC, these people are looting because they don’t have bread.

Umm, I don’t think you can eat iPhones.

So here we are.

We have a whole generation of people who feel entitled to what you earned and they came from a generation that was raised the same. Ahh, and they’ll raise their children the same, which leads to a worse generation.

Now, where have I read that before?

Judges 2:10-11
10 And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.

11 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim:

When you don’t discipline your children, they’ll grow up to be hellions.

I always remember my Mom talking about discipline and giving it to us. She was right, and all those who said differently were dead wrong. All my siblings turned out well. They contribute to society.

  • Parents who told their kids, “Don’t do that” for the 100th time aren’t doing so hot.
  • Parents who gave their kids a timeout, instead of a sore rear end, might have made an error.

My instructions for discipline come from the Old Testament.

Proverbs 13:24
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

Don’t get me wrong, everything doesn’t deserve one of those, but there’s nothing wrong with old-school discipline. That of course, is executed in a cool and calm manner.

I tell you what.

There’s no doubt about it, we don’t have discipline today. You may not like the ol belt to the backside, but God’s the one who told us to do it. There’s no doubt, it’s the better way of discipline, just look at our world today.

Is it better today or back then?

We all know the answer to that question.

What changed?

A lot.

One of the main things, we were told not to spank our children. We were told, give Johnny whatever he wants, when he wants it. Ensure Johnny gets a “participation trophy,” even if he sucked. We were told, just sweet talk Johnny and it’ll be alright.

Well, it’s not alright.

We have a whole generation of kids who are lawless and rebellious. So that way, was not the proper way.

Yet, society never learns.

Instead, they become more lenient on the criminals, as if that will help them or society. In LA County, bail is set at $0 bones, in Illinois they won’t detain criminals for these crimes. Oh, and look what a reader shared about crime in Chicago.


So, we reap the rewards of wicked behavior, including those who push this new form of morality.

Those nine Target stores are all in liberal utopias.

As for that $112 billion dollar loss due to theft, it’s getting worse…

  • 2023 loss: $112.1 billion
  • 2021 loss: $93.9 billion
  • 2020 loss: $90.8 billion

Crime is increasing everywhere, and companies for several years now have deployed measures to stop theft.

Yet, it keeps rising.

Interestingly enough, when our family came to visit us, they remarked how nice it was to go into a store and not have everything behind glass. Unfortunately, the stores in their neck of the woods have plexiglass in front of the items, due to theft.

So, the good paying customers have to wait around for an employee to show up, to open the glass, so they can get what they’re after.

Raising The Bar?

In yet another related sign of pandering to those who haven’t made their way…

California’s minimum wage is going up to $20 bucks an hour!

You read that right, starting in April, that’s the new low wage in California. The thing people don’t understand, when the low wage is lifted, the price of everything is lifted.

This doesn’t help anyone.

Now everyone at higher paying jobs needs a raise to keep up, but unless you switch jobs, don’t expect a 25% pay increase like the McDonald’s worker.

So, this is yet another example of our nation headed in the wrong direction. This will contribute to more inflation, on top of the $11 trillion dollars our government spent between 2016 and today. That’s 33% of our entire debt in just eight years.

It sure created an economic boom, didn’t it?

Free money always does that, now we’re paying the price through inflation.

Don’t think for a moment this doesn’t factor into all the theft in our nation either. People are poor, people are having a hard time getting ahead. Thanks to the decisions our government has made for years.

Yet, that never gives anyone the right to commit crimes.

Our nation will continue to venture in this direction until we repent and turn back to God.

Personally, I don’t expect that will happen.

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