The Political Narrative Is Beginning To Change

The events of our world continue to become more profound and uncertain, but one thing will remain constant.


Yes, the insane run the asylum my friends, and don’t expect that to change until Jesus returns.

Since He hasn’t shown up just yet, how about we talk about some of the insanity…

Shall we?

The latest round of insanity came in the form of the almost, maybe, coulda, government shutdown that was adverted at the buzzer. Yes, the crooks in Congress and the Sodimites in the Senate managed to agree to pass a temporary budget deal.

Yes, I said temporary.

As in, the governmental doom headlines will be back in another 45 days!

There was some good news though, Ukraine didn’t get “additional” funding…

What does that mean?

Biden wanted another $24 billion for Ukraine, and the Senate was after $6 billion, but no dice as the Reds on the right said, “Heck no.”

Get this…

The typical Ukraine funding was stripped from the primary bill, and it was added to a separate bill, which passed thanks to the wanna be reds.

Aren’t they all?

The reason the aid shifted to another bill, the typical Ukraine aid package didn’t have enough support in the House.

And that right there, you want to write down.

That’s a dramatic shift, a change in narrative.

As I’ve said in recent articles, this war will not go on forever. It’s just not going to happen. The U.S. has blown over $113 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, focusing on their border instead of our own.

Oh, I know, McCarthy said,

“I firmly support the border first.”

Is anyone else laughing with me?

They all say that brothers and sisters.

They’ve been saying it for decades, to acquire your vote, but here’s the reality of the matter. This chart depicts the number of illegal immigrants allowed into our nation, by year, by Presidential political party in power.

The Border Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

Believe it or not, when we compile the number of illegal immigrants allowed into our nation, we find:

  • Republicans allowed 29.4 million illegal immigrants into our nation.
  • Democrats allowed 27.3 million illegal immigrants into our nation.

Need I say more?

So let’s cut the bull.

They don’t want to close the southern border no matter how much their lips flap on about it. The reason, America is getting old and she needs some good replacements.

So back to the “change in narrative” I mentioned earlier.

What just happened was, in fact, a new precedent.

A sign that the U.S. support for Ukraine will not endure forever.

Yes, even though Biden just said,

We cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted. I fully expect the Speaker will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment.

White House

Hey, this war is a fight for the world order.

Russia and China have their own culture and heritage they would like to preserve, without their nation becoming infested by the woke ideology. So no one wants to just give up here, but make note, the woke ideology is beginning to wobble a bit.

In order for the U.S. to continue to support Ukraine, they will need the American people on board, to a degree that is. Remember, the elections are coming up next year, Congressional and Presidential, the whole shebang, and Americans are fatigued by the raging and escalating war.

Besides, continued U.S. escalation begs the question…

Is the U.S. willing to bring about World War III for Ukraine?

Don’t bank on it.

Even so, Biden just sent Ukraine long-range missiles that are capable of striking the Russian empire. Meanwhile, Putin just called up another 130,000 soldiers.

You see, for Russia, they cannot and will not just give up. Their nation, and their way of life depend on them continuing to fight, and win. For the West, they can just pick a different time and place to expand their influence.

Need I remind you of all the wars, fights, and skirmishes the U.S. has been involved with over the many previous decades?

If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice another shifting narrative in the media…

  • Poland has withdrawn their support for Ukraine.
  • Slovakia may be next.

So while the West keeps wavering, Russia keeps solidifying.

Then we have this report,

Ukrainian MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak has claimed that his country was given a “yellow card” by the US and must do all it can to avoid receiving a second one.


I quote…

The main complaint against us is corruption,” the Ukrainian MP pointed out. “We must spend these 45 days without A SINGLE major corruption scandal. As far as I know, this is exactly what our representatives were told when they visited [the US]. No nonsense or pretentiousness.”


They’re just like children, aren’t they?

It seems I recall a Bible verse about that, (Isaiah 3:4)

As an FYI, this isn’t just an RT report, it all stems from a leaked document.

Even Politico was talking about it.

A report obtained by POLITICO details specific plans to reform Ukrainian institutions and warns Western support may hinge on cutting corruption.

Did you catch that?

“Western support may hinge on cutting corruption.”

If you’re savvy, then you know that provides the U.S. a way out of the war, while still saving face. So behind the scenes, which the public is not privy too, this is a major issue. It’s also a point upon which support can remain or vanish.

In case you forgot, years before the war, the entire Western media empire knew, Ukraine is corrupt. I covered that, in detail. Once the war started, well, everyone forgot about that.

So you now have two points detailing a changing narrative.

  1. Caution for additional Ukrainian aid.
  2. Ukraine corruption cited for cutting aid.

Ahh, but the narrative changes some more…

If you have a keen eye, then you have noticed China in the news a lot lately, and not in a positive light. We’re now being told that China’s economy is faltering, that Xi’s projects have failed.

So we have lots and lots of negative publicity about China, and this indicates to me, a new trend and direction. The thought, let’s make Americans hate China some more!

In a recent interview, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked,

Is Russia a bigger threat to the U.S. and to Western democratic interests now or is China actually the number one?

U.S. Department of State

To which Blinken responded…

They’re very different in their nature. The – China hasby its military capacity, its economic capacity, although a little bit more challenged these days, its diplomatic capacity, its presence around the world – much greater ability certainly than Russia to try to shape what the international system looks like. And I think they want a world order, but the world order that they seek is profoundly illiberal in nature; ours is liberal with a small “L.” And that’s the fundamental difference. The world that we hope to shape looks very different from the world that they might prefer so ‑-


How the story changes huh?

For nearly two years now, we’ve been told that Russia (not to mention: parents and whites) are the biggest threat to the “Homeland.”

That’s the Liberal World Order for you.

So we’re beginning to see a strategic shift in enemies.

Or at least, a play of hands to remove some of the pressure for U.S. involvement in Ukraine. Now we can focus on China, oh, and Taiwan.

Notice how we’re told how strong China is (you have to read: China, China, China.)

Hey folks!

Who made China strong?

  • The same clowns telling you how China is our biggest enemy.
  • The same clowns that ensured our businesses were pushed offshore for bigger corporate profits.
  • The same clowns who never cared as they were profiting…

But now, now that China has grown, an obvious side effect of the aforementioned policies.

Now it’s a problem!

So all of this begins to stir as the elections come closer by the day.

That’s right, if you think this narrative doesn’t have anything to do with the elections coming up, then you’re missing a piece of the puzzle. Polls are showing, American support for Ukraine is waning, and those greedy politicians want to keep their hands in the cookie jar.

So, they’ll tell you whatever it is you want to hear.

  • If you want to hear them tell you, they’re going to close the border.

Then that’s what they’ll tell you.

  • If you want them to do a trick, and say, “China is bad,” well then, that’s exactly what they’ll say.

They’ll be your huckleberry sugar pie, they’ll sweet talk you right into the voting booth, and once you finish the deed, out comes the knife in your back.

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