Is The United Nations Beginning To Fall Apart?

I’ve warned for many years now, that one day, the present world order will collapse.

These thoughts are inspired by the Book of Revelation and Daniel. There we find a global order in the End Times that eventually collapses as a result of a Deadly Wound. This grievous wound is later healed by the Dragon, who is Satan.

Prophetically speaking, this is where the sand runs out in the hourglass…

This is where the End Times conclude during the Tribulation.

Yet, I do believe the present world order must change some more. It must change into a new world order of sorts. The present world order of the United Nations, the World Bank, and so on was all established back in the 1940s. It was a different world for a different time…

Can anyone argue, we live in a much different time today?

We certainly do.

  • We live in a time of sin.
  • We live in a time where perversion is triumphed over Christ.
  • We live in a time where Bibles are thrown into waste baskets.

How that reminds me of 2 Kings 23.

There one of the preists went into the temple only to discover the ancient books of Moses. Books that became unfamiliar to the Israelites. So unfamiliar, they were like new words when they were read into the ears of king Josiah.

Don’t expect any national repentance my friends.

Instead, expect sin to carry on and our faith to diminish.

Expect more uncertainty.

Expect more troubles.

It’s for those two reasons that the world order of today has fractured. Nations continue to roil in animosity over various troubles, problems, and the power struggle at hand. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t have a national culture war, we have a global one.

This is why race and culture have been altered on television, in ads, and on the internet. Russia and China are not on board with that as I’ve pointed out numerous times by now. They love and appreciate their own heritage.

Imagine that.

Nevertheless, the dramatic changes we are witnessing are the beginning stages of a new world order. No one knows what the new order will be called or consist of, but I believe it’s coming.

Since the founding of the United Nations, they’ve essentially accomplished nothing. If they have accomplished anything, it’s bankrolling cash from the nations of the world.

Let me remind you, their “Agenda 21” plan failed, and it was reloaded as “Agenda 2030” and now that is failing as well. In fact, the United Nations just concluded a meeting days ago that was centered around reviving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of Agenda 2030.

Not looking like much progress was made…

In fact, today, the United Nations (UN) holds its 78th session of the General Assembly. However, President Biden will be the only leader of the five permanent members of the Security Council to show up in person at the debate.

That’s right, the heads of state for China, Russia, France, and the UK are all staying home.

All at a time when the UN is pushing to renew its globalist agenda?

It seems like the cracks are getting wider.

How wide?

Look what United Nations Secretary of State Antony Blinken just said.

“What we’re experiencing now is more than a test of the post-Cold War order — it’s the end of it. Forging international cooperation has gotten more complex. Not only because of rising geopolitical tensions, but also because of the mammoth scale of global problems.”


Blinken just told you, it’s the end of the old world order.

In another sign of the lack of resolve for the old world order, Poland just walked away from supplying Ukraine with more arms. As an FYI, Poland is a NATO member. This is a radical change from the last two years and a new precedent for change.

Then we have Turkey, which is now considering withdrawing from the European Union.

Then we have Russia which has been ostracized by the West for doing exactly what the West does (invading another nation) reaching out to North Korea for more arms. This is, in violation of UN sanctions that they even once voted for.

Just two weeks ago, I reported how the BRICS just doubled in size. This was in direct response to the fractured world order. The global south feels they are not being represented in the present world order, so they seek to change it, and change it will.

“It’s been true for a while that the United Nations is not the only game in town, and that’s increasingly the case,” said Stewart Patrick, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “You do have fissures that have emerged, and one problematic aspect is that those fissures run not simply east-west, but also north-south.”


Everyone sees it.

“We should help reform global governance,” Chinese leader Xi Jinping told the BRICS leaders in a speech deploying thinly veiled criticism of the West. “Ganging up to form exclusive groups and packaging their own rules as international norms” was unacceptable, he said.


The writing is on the wall.

So the whole thing continues to crumble.

No, this is not the Deadly Wound that I opened the discussion on. This is a world order of man that continues to evolve. It will no doubt reshape into something else, and that order will receive the Deadly Wound.

That will not happen today or even tomorrow…

What do I see?

I detailed it in “The Timeline of the Tribulation.”

To dial in the thought…

I fully expect UN Agenda 2030 to have officially failed by 2030. If the present world order is still intact by then, I expect the nations will work together to form some new order that benefits all. It’s hard to imagine that today, but I feel that’s the next step if we truly live in the Last Days.

I’ve said for years now, the 2020 decade would be an interesting one, and prophetically speaking, we have not been disappointed.

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