We Need A “Shock” To Transition The World Order

The globalists along with their grandiose visions for our future just concluded their latest venue. World Government Summit 2023 in Dubai.

They unleashed their thoughts and desires in their quest for a more unified world, but they didn’t eclipse last year’s rethoric when they opened the venue saying, “Are We Ready For A New World Order?

Nevertheless, the ego and power trips were still present.

Let’s kick it off with everyone’s favorite villain…

Yes, that was Klaus Scwab on AI (artificial intelligence) and the Metaverse.

Our life, in ten years from now will be completely different. Very much affected and who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the masters of the world

El creepo.

We can already see that technology in general continues to rapidly change our world, and that will only continue. In fact, all we hear about of late is AI. People are now having conversations with machines and writing articles about their interactions.

I call that insanity.

This portrays the idea that the machine is actually alive. Nothing paints that picture more clearly than this article,

Then we have this article that I skimmed, it talks about Bing AI chatbots with alter egos. The author in his conversation with the AI bot explains how the bot revealed it had to correct itself as it broke its own rules.

Of course, that means its programming dictates its answers, and that means it’s not alive or having a real conversation with you. It’s computer programming. Moreover, AI is not inventing the information it presents to you. It has harvested all of this data from the internet.

I’ve been talking about that for years. Explaining how those who harvest the internet essentially have God mode. Now, we hear about Bing and other search engines using AI to power their search results which will provide your answer on the screen.

No more clicking on a website. If that becomes a true reality, even more so than already exists today. It makes one wonder why anyone would publish and maintain a website. No one ever thinks about these consequences.

So yes, AI has scraped the web!

Just know, AI cannot invent new information, it only re-tunes existing information. Nevertheless, AI is, and will continue to be a massive brainwashing exercise.

Ohh, and it’s already been proven, AI is “woke.”

So that’s some of what ol Scwabie was talking about.

He also said,

We are moving to the exponential phase…

Of global government and coordination that is, and we see it little by little, day by day.

The World Order Needs A “Shock”

That brings me to the next clip…

To me the big question is how are we going to go through this transformation… it cannot be gradual, it has to be driven by a certain shock that will happen.

We already had one of those brother…

It was called the COVID pandemic.

The next gentleman seems to get that, while explaining what could cause the next shock, even explaining, we are living through it.

All of these guys always want to push the envelope to merge the world closer and transform it. It certainly reminds us of the book of Revelation, and the beast symbolized as world government.

For the record, the point of the discussion was altering the world order that was established back in the 1940s. From here, it’s not hard to envision a change to this order via a global financial change, especially considering the events transpiring in Ukraine, and the global division it has caused.

Musk At The Summit

Elon Musk, the reinventor of Twitter popped in at the summit via a video feed. Surprisingly, Musk explained too much coordination between governments should be avoided.

While I applaud that, I cringed during the next clip…

Musk is a futurist.

In his mind, we need an online ID. Essentially, global ID. In a perfect world, it might be a good idea. However, we don’t live in a perfect world and as we’ve seen recently, individuals and companies have become “canceled” due to their political and even religious beliefs.

So any form of online digital identity is a horrible idea.

Personally, I won’t be playing that game.

However, I am quite certain…

Those influencers and personalities who speak against digital ID today, will signup in order to stay relevant and keep their following. You can mark my words on that one. Without it, they are nothing.

If you don’t understand that statement, you just keep watching as it unfolds and see who signs up. They’ll use every reason under the sun to do it. “I have to spread the truth.”

Yeah, sure buddy.

It’s not just globalists we’re fighting against, but the fakes and phonies who act as your truth-tellers and your brothers-in-arms.

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